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Life hands you lemons I guess. Not sure how much sugar it will take to make lemonade from this.
@PlatinumLEDTom -- that vid you posted, did you happen to find out exactly what sort of diffuser he used? Another type I was thinking of was a Fresnel lens,...

>> @Puddentane :rofl: :thumbsup: --- ayuuuh! I wish you could have tried the Congo I finished last week! Amazing flavor profile,... my little shop gets several unusual varieties in Bali, Flores, Timor,...

What's up @Waira? Not exactly sure what type of diffuser he used in that video. He's a really nice guy & really responsive to his comments on Youtube. I would just ask him directly there.

I don't have any experience with Fresnel lenses, but always worth a try!
Yeah I just thought the rain barrel system with the spigot was a cool idea.

It is and I'm not trying to discourage a great idea. Just a heads up on the potentials. The zinc won't hurt you if you drink it. I just know that one penny thrown into a saltwater aquarium will wipe out any invertebrates in the tank for a very long time and can picture the fungicide from the zinc similar in principle against fungi.

Add: I worded the "drink it" wrong as if it wasn't done everywhere every day.. It is. I don't know how much zinc is to much or beneficial to us off hand but I'd bet we don't get enough without supplement.
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Every day I come here I am eternally grateful I discovered this site and have come to know the people here . I learn something every day without fail . Conversations that take me down another path that I would never have considered . ( I just ordered 200 lemon balm & citronella seeds ) Thank you members your the coolest bunch on the planet . :thumbsup:

Yeah, it's easy to love this place!

Lemon Balm (Melissa) is not only good tea, it's soooo nice in a vape- Strictly bedtime meds, for me. Epsom salts infused with lemon balm oil is a very soothing and uplifting bath.

If you vape lavender, go slow because a little is a lot. It is quite powerful. I put a *tiny* pinch in bowl of weed for a bed-melting boost.
Not bad bro, still not believing how fast these Sweet Seeds are growing!! Soaked 3 beans 4 24 hours on Sat, then put between paper towels for 24 more hours.
View attachment 743291

Yesterday I put them in soil and added at least a 1/2 inch of dirt and today one is already starting to poke through. I should have took a pic before I put it under the light.

May I present Speedy Gonzalez...


Less than 72 hours from the time she hit the water. :bow::bow::bow: Praying to the Cannna Goddess the dreaded damp off doesn't get her! :bow::bow::bow:
What's a lemons balm
Yeah, it's easy to love this place!

Lemon Balm (Melissa) is not only good tea, it's soooo nice in a vape- Strictly bedtime meds, for me. Epsom salts infused with lemon balm oil is a very soothing and uplifting bath.

If you vape lavender, go slow because a little is a lot. It is quite powerful. I put a *tiny* pinch in bowl of weed for a bed-melting boost.
And never heard of smoking lavender
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