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It is going great in good ole northern Ontario. Not as far north as the UPPER Peninsula though
Ok i get it. Anything as far south as the UP of Michigan must seem like hillybilly country too you, lol
shit guys....not a strain i see very often grown....try the euforia...even with many errors on my end i pulled a nice yield from her, and the smoke is just wow(but you cant be opposed to skunky tastes)....very impressed!!!
No the UP in Michigan is a Tad further northwest. That being said I do live in low dental coverage area LMAO
probably my favorite place in the world these days at my bros cabin....55N ontario
No the UP in Michigan is a Tad further northwest. That being said I do live in low dental coverage area LMAO
:crying: So do I bro, LMAO. BTW geography, apparently, wasn't my best subject in school, lol
I am growing out Colorado cookies ,night Queen, ultimate, think different. and some BOMB gear THC, Big Bomb and Auto bomb 26 plants total in 3 and five gallon containers
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