Strain seems to be everything from what I've done. Some I get lots from, some nothing. I have the opposite experience with drying and curing, but need to try some fresh again some day on a different strain to see if I get better with something else. Only really tried fresh with one that I can remember thinking back, and it was an Amnesia strain. Think
@witchyhour mentioned getting poor results with an Amnesia based strain as well, so I'm thinking that may be one that doesn't work well. If I could go back in time to harvest day for the Ghost of LeeRoy I'd luv to try it fresh because it's giving me excellent results dried and cured. I dunno...I've pressed a bit, but don't grow enough to really consider myself a master at it. Enough knowledge around AFN, though, that we are likely a cumulative masterish organism of sorts. :smoking:
And yes, seeing the sig