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Greetings Bushi how goes things?

Good morning Bushmaster hows the back this a.m . :thumbsup:
Things are going. Just removed the bandage and my back looks like Frankenstein with all the staples. Now I'm just trying to pass some time till I have to drop my daughter off for her Senior graduation trip to Cali.
I'm still waiting on a few things to arrive so I can setup for indoors. Plus I just had my surgery on my back to remove the piece of crap neurostimulator/battery pack and recovering from that. Then I will get a journal going.
aww nightmare mate that makes a kick in the bollocks sound like fun. keep your head strong though and the body will follow. hope you have a speedy recovery bud. sending happy thoughts your way :vibes::baby::karmacloud:
Happy Monday stoners...
aww nightmare mate that makes a kick in the bollocks sound like fun. keep your head strong though and the body will follow. hope you have a speedy recovery bud. sending happy thoughts your way :vibes::baby::karmacloud:
Thank you.
I will have to post up a pic of my seed collection so far. There are still others that I'd love to get but have to wait.
Nettles, I like nettles...
That dude has got one twisted mind.
Could be quite something, watching this while high as a kite
lm gonna sit and watch it baked next time im high enough.the child in me still loves that sort of shit humour far too much. you ever taken hallucinagens and sat in the dark listening to war of the worlds sound track? thats an experience lol
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