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I just use a regular home dehumidifier I got at a yard sale....I put it outside of the room my tent is in....I seem to not get as bad of humidity shifts that way, and it doesn't heat up my tent.
yeah I have a big one outside my tent but my basement is so humid i dont know if it's gonna help much. If the basement is humid and the exhaust fan is sucking in basement air into the tent I was thinking maybe a small one inside......hell I don't
yeah I have a big one outside my tent but my basement is so humid i dont know if it's gonna help much. If the basement is humid and the exhaust fan is sucking in basement air into the tent I was thinking maybe a small one inside......hell I don't
What have the rh%'s been?
I'm good for a little while

Well being Canadian the best deal was 55.00 shipping included. For 225 1/4's pre rolled. I pay for 6 well over 4.00 Canadian. So 55.00 canadian from a shop would get me 65 to 70 1/4'S . 900 is just a little to much for me right now. My hands are getting arthritic these are the only way to roll for me. @DH22
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