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@ANTiFA - Ive been paper bag drying since last season...i prefer it to open air drying, just make sure you have solid circulation blasting at the bags.

Right on man, good tip. I have them sitting on the floor of my tent right now, more or less next to my carbon filter (I have it sitting on the floor w/the ducting going vertical rather than mounted on the top of the tent) - think that's enough? I also have a small desk fan in there that I can kick on if necessary. Humidity is still mid-40's, and temps are mid-high 70's, for the record. I've also been considering setting them on my desk next to the tent, so I can get the tent cleaned up and get my new autocobs hung (thanks again, @BigSm0 !) for round [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]. I have a large ceiling fan nearby that moves the air pretty good, so I figured it might give a little better circulation than in the tent itself.
Have a great time @912GreenSkell
Whoa that is wierd. Do I see a couple of sacks in there?
No thats how the growth started on these. They were like a open air tissue culture. Strange plants interest me. I believe that the plant just produced to much growth hormones. It also self topped and had very little growth at the bottom resulting in self lollipop. :growing:
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