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So keep fans blasting the bags? Do you hang the bags ?

I dont hang bags but they are put on a multilevel screen rack, due to plant put out 15 bags(biggest yard waste bags you can get)

Okay thanks for the info. I've been sold on the paper bag method I'm give it a go on my first harvest.

I open air dried for decades, and prefer the bag method as long as the air isnt too humid. With some precautions(air flow and leaving a bit of space between buds) it works excellent. I like upright drying as well, just cant dedicate that much time to doing it or i would be going that route. Basically take a box and punch a bunch of hole and stick buds in and let them dry upright, inside a large bag. I found you get nice even drying with that method, and being inside the bag, terps are left where they should be, in the bud.
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