thats one of the beautiful things about the uk. i know loads of folk who get their weed mailed to them from the US and canada. theres very rarely a package lost and you dont get done if customs nab it as long as theres a different name on it and your not daft enough to use your own bankcard. laws here will be changing soon aswell though. police scotland now dont charge you for carrying percy and many forces in england have stopped chasing up small time growers as long as theres no evidence of dealing. basically because it wastes too much time and money. its still ilegal but the police are just giving up with it. about time aswell!
That has been the attitude of a lot of street cops. They don't want to sweat the small stuff. Then along comes a Sessions or Pence. Luckily, funds are tight so they wouldn't give them any to come after us. But, there is always a "But", that budget was just a temporary one.