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kewl!! bet thats noisy at times. crunch,crack n smash LOL! grinding. popping of logs LOL
couple of days ago I was standing next to it when it moved a little in the overflow channel, big boom just like firing a very large cal rifle. and when it's moving constant cracking and grating, really gets the dogs doing. lol
thats one of the beautiful things about the uk. i know loads of folk who get their weed mailed to them from the US and canada. theres very rarely a package lost and you dont get done if customs nab it as long as theres a different name on it and your not daft enough to use your own bankcard. laws here will be changing soon aswell though. police scotland now dont charge you for carrying percy and many forces in england have stopped chasing up small time growers as long as theres no evidence of dealing. basically because it wastes too much time and money. its still ilegal but the police are just giving up with it. about time aswell!
it's like erosion wearing down the mt
its legal thievery essentially which you can almost NEVER get back. legal or not they'll take your money. thats all you are to these shits. a fucking ATM machine for the state laws and paychecks,salaries n so forth. they gotta get paid ,say we're evil so they can get paid again in their grant form.bunch of cockeyed cocks LOL
Well said my friend! Here's the really f(*&d up part.....they did not get to keep everything they took. We got some things back....every single electronic item they took, was broken or did not work when we got it back, all four of my truck tires (new) were cut, and there was a hole in one of my turbo boots (diesel truck)....and they drove the truck to the lot I picked it up at (tow truck had to get it)....I decided to go ahead and replace fuel filters because it had sat for so long, and they were full of sugar......My lawyer just laughed and suggested we drop it....
Well said my friend! Here's the really f(*&d up part.....they did not get to keep everything they took. We got some things back....every single electronic item they took, was broken or did not work when we got it back, all four of my truck tires (new) were cut, and there was a hole in one of my turbo boots (diesel truck)....and they drove the truck to the lot I picked it up at (tow truck had to get it)....I decided to go ahead and replace fuel filters because it had sat for so long, and they were full of sugar......My lawyer just laughed and suggested we drop it....
can't even respond to this, too pissed
can't even respond to this, too pissed
I could never feel comfortable driving that truck again....I sold it a few months later. Too bad, too....I liked that truck. I was convinced there was a bug in it someplace....never did find it, but it wasn't for a lack of looking......
on a lighter note, first outdoor buds of the season, dwarf willow standing tall at 2'' and pollinating as soon as the snow melts
well thats it, they make it so you spend a ton more cash so you either cant do it again or wont want too. its really real bullshit man. its our hard earned taxed dollars hard at doing little criminal justice nor work. lazy, egomaniacal ,cheap ass shits that call themselves true protectors, and,of our freedoms,and MEN? lmfao I think not.
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