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Morning stoners! Didn't realize we were almost 1500 pages in this thread, we'll likely archive this month's LS and create a new Live Stoner thread! But first..... coffee!
Hahaha good one setting the mood for breeding candles and bougainvillea petals hahaha

"carpe diem et fumus enim viriditas"
is that all you need to do to cross strains? just shake them about a bit? never really given any thought but wouldve thought there was more to it than that. everything else is complicated enough lol.
is that all you need to do to cross strains? just shake them about a bit? never really given any thought but wouldve thought there was more to it than that. everything else is complicated enough lol.
Nah that's about it once the male flowers open , a gentle shake releases the pollen and it doesn't take much to be successful in getting seed. As long as there are white pistils on the female

"carpe diem et fumus enim viriditas"
aye, its good enough to keep me smiling anyway. not sure how dangerous it is but theres a bunch of decomissioned nuclear subs about 40ft away from me so its classed as radioactive. back to my usual job tomorrow thankfully where i generally just sleep at lot and play cards. : )
they get built round here ES- l used to work on em many moons ago- apologies for any shoddy work I didnt do pal ha ha
aw mate id be calling that one dinner if it walked past my garden. my dads got some chickens theyre awesome. nothin better in the oven than a free range feathered friend. id happily life my life on nothing but roast dinners.

I wish I was better with a bow as I have a smaller compound bow but no arrows as I'd destroyed those years ago.. Either that, or a crossbow.. I can't use the rifles since I'm in "residential" areas.. I think the fine for discharging a firearm in a residential area is a lot and I lose my guns.. Nope, not doing that.. But a bow?? I can fuck these guys up all day..


There appears to be a couple rather large woodchucks that I'd prefer to stew as they chomped on nearly all of my veggies last year.. As I've gotten older, I want to kill less and save more, but at the same time, these little bastards would probably taste pretty good, seeing as I know what kinda healthy stuff they ate last year.. I may try traps, but my goal with the garden this year is to elevate it, yet surround it like a Max-security prison.. I'd even considered concertina wire for the top so I could catch me some critters.. I wish I could unleash my cats on these fuckers but I feel like the fisher cat population has increased lately and I don't want them to become victims of my struggles..

Sounds like it's time to go get an air rifle.. :fire::fire::fire::fire:
I wish I was better with a bow as I have a smaller compound bow but no arrows as I'd destroyed those years ago.. Either that, or a crossbow.. I can't use the rifles since I'm in "residential" areas.. I think the fine for discharging a firearm in a residential area is a lot and I lose my guns.. Nope, not doing that.. But a bow?? I can fuck these guys up all day..


There appears to be a couple rather large woodchucks that I'd prefer to stew as they chomped on nearly all of my veggies last year.. As I've gotten older, I want to kill less and save more, but at the same time, these little bastards would probably taste pretty good, seeing as I know what kinda healthy stuff they ate last year.. I may try traps, but my goal with the garden this year is to elevate it, yet surround it like a Max-security prison.. I'd even considered concertina wire for the top so I could catch me some critters.. I wish I could unleash my cats on these fuckers but I feel like the fisher cat population has increased lately and I don't want them to become victims of my struggles..

Sounds like it's time to go get an air rifle.. :fire::fire::fire::fire:
whats a fisher cat?? Im intrigued
Good Morning A.F.N.
Last year I was working on a golf course . I was unceremoniously fired Without Cause . I sued and gained nothing and was paid off according to govt guidelines . Yesterday I was advised that the supt. that fired me was terminated . Karma is sweet . I hold no malice . Now he will have the opportunity to experience what it's like to be fired . Hopefully he will learn something . " Don't fuck with the Bear " :nono:

I'm sorry but sometimes, some offenses require proactive planning to help karma along. Like the guy who spent weeks on a bid for his top client for carpeting the halls and common areas of a large twin building condo complex only to have the manager give it to a competitor for a kickback. after taking the kickback from the first guy. He walked every foot of the finished job with a bag of iron filings from a machine shop with a hole in the bottom.
Every time they cleaned a section of the carpet it suddenly developed unexplained rust spots everywhere. Karma hit the competitor even harder than the resulting lawsuit. He later ended up on Americas Most Wanted and did six years for his part in a famous Palm Beach murder. Karma is a bitch.
Happy Saturday everyone! Hope you're all good and high! :pass:I don't know if I have a hope in hell of keeping up with LS any more LOL. I'm 100 pages behind again...

@trailanimal @Dmrides220 hey guys, my white grape, raspberry and apple wine is in the bucket as of 10 minutes ago! Can't wait to see and taste how it gets on! :cheers:
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