Oh- it tasted like ripe melons and almonds, but with an out of this world indescribable scent that transports me across dimensions.
...Then there's the high....
That $5 gram is fire , orange kush man I rolled half into a joint smoked barely half and I'm like shit faced . It could also be like the 36 hours without weed lowered my tolerance a bit
That $5 gram is fire , orange kush man I rolled half into a joint smoked barely half and I'm like shit faced . It could also be like the 36 hours without weed lowered my tolerance a bit
Yeah the 36 hour break may have had something to do with it hahahaha. So I am guessin you are in a place where you can buy legal weed things? Or you just have a hell of a hook up at 5 bucks a g lol
That $5 gram is fire , orange kush man I rolled half into a joint smoked barely half and I'm like shit faced . It could also be like the 36 hours without weed lowered my tolerance a bit
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