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Personally, I check 'em after a few days in the bags (I use paper bags...but same difference, really) and keep an eye on them....once the stems "snap", I go into jars. I don't even worry about my rh in the room...this is just me, but....I find that if I obsess over the little details, I'll figure out a way to screw things up. Just my :2cents:

Edit: Hell.....I don't even keep track of how many days along my plants are, anymore.
Atta boy! heart of a grower...
That is a great pic feenix.

Thank you.Dm. When I found it I saw a topless, well endowed NFL Lineman.

Mornin' @1939bear :d5:
I'm with these guys....let it go another week, unless you need some smoke, then I would have chopped it last week!:rofl:

Mornin' Frank.

Just posted em .

Mornin' 9Bear, Theys lookin good,

I vote let em go another week unless you really need meds.

Clear, Cloudy, amber. The traditional stages that some swear by. How about a 4th stage before amber? Amber still in solution that has cleared, Pre Amber?

I've been catching up on everybody and their waterings... I've had to start feeding everyday and she's still droopy.. should I start to feed her twice a day? She's gonna be a monster.

Currently 500 ml/16 oz nutriated Waters a day. It's in roots 707 8:1 perite. 10% runoff, but still is pulling away from the pot rim after 24 h.

I'm not too familiar with the roots 707 but it seems it is peat based.
Ingredients: Coarse peat, coco fiber, compost, perlite, pumice, worm castings, bat guano, fish bone meal, soybean meal, feather meal and kelp meal.

Roots Organics 707 was designed with greater water holding capacity, less perlite and pumice, and specific ingredients for large container gardening.

Seems like it should hold a lot of water, so if you are getting 10% runoff it should be lasting you more than a day. You have a soil moisture meter? Or use the lifting the pot technique?
why didn't I think of that, I literally went to the effort of hanging string from side to side so the colas can hang off haha, you know what I think you guys are right, it's just this was my first real quality grow with really nice dense buds and I'm just worried about losing it all because I couldn't dry it properly, I'll still buy these things, as I want my tent to be fully controlable, thanks for reassuring me it'll be okay you to @Frankthetank and @stepside just need my AFN brother to tell me to relax :pass:
IF you feel you have buds that are just too tight you can use a pair of stainless still tweezers or the like to gently pry the large cola's apart before you hang them to dry. That way each bud gets a small amount of air flow all around. Mine hang in the air flow from time of chop.
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