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I try to use my watering schedule as an indicator.. you can usually tell when they're getting close they just stop using water. After the first or second long spell they're really ripening fast
The is strangely more interesting than I would think it should be. Dude hid a camera in a bucket of water outside in the middle of the dessert and let it run to see which critters would come in to get a drink.

As far as watering I just guess now.
Try to learn how to "read" your plants....They'll let you know when they're hungry. They'll begin to droop, and eventually the drooping leads to a slight wilt. I try to feed when I notice a droop....sometimes if I'm not sure, I'll wait another 8 hours or so. I like to let them dry out a good helps keep the bugs at bay. :pass:
Yeah. I was over obsessive at first. On how much of this nute. How much water. How often . Began to slip. Stopped paying as much attention. Now I feel like I do less than I should haha. I treat it like cooking. No exact measurements. More like. I think I'll go 5 tsp of this. 10 of this 2 caps of this and a splash of that.
That's my feeding regime now lol.
As far as watering I just guess now. I don't wait till they dry. Or even attempt to get a perfect run off.
Much more stress free not focusing on every small detail.
Pretty much I'm just using my logic of. If they like it I love it. If they don't like it I fix. Only thing I'm anal about is my pH
I hear ya dude! This isn't my first grow, it's just I want these buds to be quality, didn't waste 6mths just to fuck the last week haha, we're pretty much the same besides the PH part, I just do a splash of this and a bit of that, in 4 years I've not once checked ph or anything, and no serious nute burns/ deficiency, a lot of people would be shocked at how much I just wing my grows haha.
None on the GSC or the GG 13 weeks does that seem unusually long ?? :toke:
That big cola in front of my tent... I thought it was a runt.. for two weeks it did nothing then slowly it started taking off.. I was close to scrapping it and starting over..I started that January 29th and it's got 1 week of nutes left then 5 days of water
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