Gotta say this you are a funny fu%@er, I wish you all the best.

Welcome to the Family, RML!
We have folks here dealing with a lot worse, and for a lot longer. :cheers:
DubV has taught me and my missus a ton about staying calm through meditation, so by day I'm an a-hole, and by night I'm a crystal kissing hippy. :rofl:
Honestly, Bro, this is just a bump. Buuuuuuut.....;.
Have you checked your pH lately? Most of us check our plants every feed or water, but kind of neglect ourselves.
I've always been, and apparently always will be, a sarcastic SOB:biggrin:, but there are some amazing things to be learned in the med section, and a lot of it is preventative:thumbsup:
A Man goes to the doctor for a check, and the doctor exams him and says "I've got bad news, you've got cancer and alzheimers" The man goes "Thank god I don't have cancer"
-Gilbert Gottfried-
It's all perspective, Brother:smoking:
Sounds like Breaking Bad all that crystal kissing. :warrior: Thanks Red. I never even heard of PH in food until yesterday and I don't have a scooby doo about checking my PH. I'm def going to check out the med section.

Lots of aches & pains ( That's just the people that know me )
I never even heard of PH in food until yesterday and I don't have a scooby doo about checking my PH. I'm def going to check out the med section.
Think of like you're plants, brother. We can feed them exactly what they need, and when they need it, but if the pH is too high or low they miss the best parts:thumbsup:
So just an update. I've got a new doc now. He took care of my best friend last year, with great results. Unlike my last guy, this one is very, very open to alternative meds. Canna, BS, I think he'd give a thumbs up to a witch doctor hitting you in the head with a chicken bone if it helped.
I kinda ignored some stuff after doc #1 pissed me off, this new Brother caught me up. :yoinks:
Well that sucked.
I like this guy, though. A real straight shooter. (This thread may not belong here any more... Mods, I leave that up to you, it's getting more medical, but :shrug:).
He's my kind of guy. After going on an on, shuffling through papers and pics, I finally asked him:
" Look, when you helped my lady friend out you were an Oncologist, right?"
"Well, I'm a guy"
"We treat everyone, male or female"
" I was just wondering if helping me makes you a "Guy-nocologist?"
He looked me straight in the eye, not even a hint of a smile, and said
"That's an interesting observation, Mr ****" Tick Tick Tick
" I suppose the good news is you have the uterus of a thirty year old man."
Total dead pan.
That's what I call a Doctor!
RR stated: "That, I (we) believe, would be selfish and counter to what AFN stands for. So here goes, and I don't (truly and honestly, folks), want sympathy or condolences. Give that to the other guy, 'cause I feel like a mean, concertina wire eating S.O.B. right now.:muahaha:"

And--"I have my moments, but feeling good, Dark Matter:toke:"

Well--RR. Wish I had known weeks ago.

Not to overwhelm.

Beyond the diet there are tid bits of info that may be helpful based on this near two decade long study. I think it will complement and possibly confirm your new program and Mossy's assistance.

Your humor is so very lively. You and EP are sophisticated humorist.

Amazon product ASIN 1932100660
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FYI, Dear Friends, rude and dark humor are the two things I love more than puppies playing with a ball.
I just wanted to put this process down to help, and I'll add more about diet and stuff shortly.
It is by no means a "poor me" thread. I've hated this s**t for years, and it picked the wrong guy with the right group of friends this time.
All good, and full stem ahead. :thumbsup:

A patient visited his urologist for testicular cancer and expressed concern about being able to perform after the operation. The patient was also worried about the chemotherapy. The doctor said "I too had testicular cancer a few years ago. Ten days after the operation I made passionate love with my wife, and forgot all my worries. Try it and see for yourself." Three weeks later the patient returns, and thanks the doctor effusively. The doctor says "I'm glad my advice helped." The patient thanks him again, and as he's leaving says "By the way Doctor, you have a really beautiful house."

Well screw me if I didn't happen upon this shitty ass thread. Not that it is shitty of all of you but shitty as in shitty news and shitty shit. Did I say shit enough, shit ass shit. I could say worse but I will leave it at that and call it tempered.

So RR, I won't say some of the normal stuff one would expect to be said because as is apparent you aren't that type of friend and I ain't either, lol. I will say that I have a lot of friends in TX and if I know one thing about you people it is they are hard headed, tough as nails, hell raising, SOBs, to put it lightly, that don't take shit from no one including some bullshit disease. So, pull up the britches and get to swinging and when you feel tired or worn out or broken down then just remember, can't nobody or nothing take anything from you that you don't give up and one thing for certain, we rednecks ain't much for giving up. Hell, we still hold a grudge for the war between the states and that was 150 years ago. So, let's get to fighting.

Good on you for your diet changes, and Aunty and Dub for chipping in. Two of the best for holistic remedies.

I suppose I will subscribe to this thread just so I can drop in and cuss up a storm every once in a while. Smack your ass around a bit and keep agging on that fighting spirit.

BTW, you know deep in your heart pork is better than brisket any day of the week. Nothing to be ashamed of about that. ;)
Your eating well. Do check out mushrooms like you are having there are some very good mushroom supplements and good research and historical anecdotal evidence of assistance--with C's etc. You are up in mushroom land so ought to have many species/strains--fresh etc.
Beyond the diet there are tid bits of info that may be helpful based on this near two decade long study. I think it will complement and possibly confirm your new program and Mossy's assistance.
I'll look into the mushrooms. Any opine of a good strain? I've never picked, so it's farmers market or store bought for me:biggrin:
I may lean on you a bit if that's cool. Do you have the name of that book you mentioned?

RR stated: "That, I (we) believe, would be selfish and counter to what AFN stands for. So here goes, and I don't (truly and honestly, folks), want sympathy or condolences. Give that to the other guy, 'cause I feel like a mean, concertina wire eating S.O.B. right now.:muahaha:"
And--"I have my moments, but feeling good, Dark Matter:toke:"
I understand. Do I ever. Moments are measured--by minutes initially then hours and days and finally--weeks. But--it is all a case by case basis, i.e, level of support and other stressors that present themselves.
One thing about this doc, Lets start calling him Phil, is that he wants a full run down on what I'm doing now, and wants to see how diet and pH relate to the outcome with respect to his treatment. This is one of the good guys, I think.
RR stated: "That, I (we) believe, would be selfish and counter to what AFN stands for.
I remember the context to that. I regret starting this.this thread, cause deep down I'm not a real social kind of guy. :shrug: AFN gave me a civil voice, and a true purpose, but I hate airing my laundry.
I just think this might help the guy or gal down the road....
BTW, you know deep in your heart pork is better than brisket any day of the week. Nothing to be ashamed of about that. ;)
That's why Texas disowned me. Chew on an old rangey cow when you could be sucking on a succulent sow:biggrin:
We got this, Brother. Just starting to swing.