If this is wrong of me please ask and ill remove it.. Don't wanna offend you or anyone else but I don't wanna be talking about the negatives of cancer, just humour
Damn, how could you post something like that?

This ain't the sensitive thread, Brother :biggrin: I'm not saying Idon't have a lot on the plate right now, but solemn "that sucks" are the last thing I need or want. :cheers: Smuggle me in some single malt and cheerleaders who think sick old men are sexy, and all is forgiven. :rofl:
Standing beside you in mind if not body .
Cool pic, Brother, I'll save it as a wallpaper. I think it was CS Lewis who said something to the effect that the only thing worse than not acknowledging the enemy was giving him to much credit..
This frickin' bug is gonna feel like a fungus gnat in my garden!
FYI, Dear Friends, rude and dark humor are the two things I love more than puppies playing with a ball.
I just wanted to put this process down to help, and I'll add more about diet and stuff shortly.
It is by no means a "poor me" thread. I've hated this s**t for years, and it picked the wrong guy with the right group of friends this time.
All good, and full stem ahead. :thumbsup:

A patient visited his urologist for testicular cancer and expressed concern about being able to perform after the operation. The patient was also worried about the chemotherapy. The doctor said "I too had testicular cancer a few years ago. Ten days after the operation I made passionate love with my wife, and forgot all my worries. Try it and see for yourself." Three weeks later the patient returns, and thanks the doctor effusively. The doctor says "I'm glad my advice helped." The patient thanks him again, and as he's leaving says "By the way Doctor, you have a really beautiful house."
Amen to that Brother!

For feck's sake, they are only "gone wrong" cells.....We are MEN, masters of our Universe, only subservient to the "Wife" or "significant other" if we are being PC.

We Kick ass (if that is okay with you dear ?) So there. Bring it on....
I'll tell you how my grandad was told about his cancer.

We were all sitting with him in hospital talking about how he will be home soon and he had nothing to worry about. At this time we all knew as a family he had cancer and we wanted to break it to him as a family in our own environment.

So we are all sitting there telling jokes and keeping him calm because at this point he didn't know... His,sister... Who at the time was 72... Started talking about old,foods tht people no longer really eat.. I said about pigs feet... Lovely jubbly... She turns round and says... I love a good tongue... Meaning cow tongue... My grandad did not realise she ment that and nearly fell,through the floor... I nearly wet my self laughing... Then the nurse,comes in and says... Ok Mr M****** , we are gonna send you to **** hospital to a nice wee cancer ward... Well he near fell through the floor again... And replied... Not until my sister gets a tongue... The nurses face was a picture.. When,he lost his voice box to cancer and got,the wee talking machine he always quoted Darth Vader lines... I never knew this side to my grandad until this disease got hold,of,him... He had a great sense of,humour! Just like RR.

Maybe not as funny because u guys were not there but it was hilarious!
And replied... Not until my sister gets a tongue... The nurses face was a picture..
Oh shit!!!! :crying:
Jeez, Brother, I'm laughing tears right now!
Somewhere in Kentucky, a guys going "Huh? :paleo: :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Your grandpa sounds like he was a hell of a man. And still is, Bro. Thanks for the gut buster!!! :cheers: