Just an update.
Thanks to the wonderful help and patience of a Wise Old Owl, my pH is running in the low 8's.
Green tea has replaced the coffee

, but I'm getting used to it. Sort of.
Oddly enough, all the dietary changes haven't been as hard as I thought, although last night I had a dream about a beautiful, medium rare rib eye steak and a short whiskey.

At 50+ years old, that's as close to a wet dream as I've had in years!

I'm off to buy a juicer today, and maybe a pallet of TP . Between the BS, greens and supplements, I plan all routes based on proximity to a bathroom.

Monday, I have an appointment with a new OC, the one who helped out my Missus with such great results.
The guy I'm with now is, IMHO, a closed minded, narcissistic A hole who would better serve mankind taking stool samples from farm animals.

Oh, and BTW, I don't like him.
Two old baseball buddies with lung cancer were chatting on a park bench.
Paul says, "I hope they have a baseball team in heaven."
"Me too", says Jack.
"Tell you what", says Paul, "If I die first, I'll give you a message about whether there is baseball in Heaven. If you die first, you can do the same for me."
A year later, Paul is dead and Jack is sitting on the park bench when he hears: "Jack, it's me, Paul. I have great
news! Guess what. There really is a baseball team in heaven."
"Thank God", sighs Jack, "Now I can die in
"I'm glad you feel that way," says Paul, "because you're pitching tomorrow!

Screw being bummed, I have a whole new set of jokes I can tap into! Google cancer jokes, I never knew!