Took me 2 hours to chop my BAM today,i left the branches on to hang it for a few days.
The wet weight came to 820g,so 20%=164g=5.86oz but i will weigh it all again when i get
them stripped and down to about 65%rh.I will try to keep track of how much i consume in between.
You werent too far away Sang but am pleased you were on the low side.
Just an observation here:I dont wear gloves when chopping so my hands usually stink afterwards.
When i finished chop i cleaned the drip catch tray with H2O2((3% diluted)
,also washing my hands in it as i did so.
Not a bit of smell on my hands at all,even the wife couldnt detect it.
Has anyone heard of this before?
Oh,getting a new camera this week so pic quality should improve somewhat.
Also nearly forgot to mention Golden Tree which was my only additive apart from cal/mag and a couple of
organic T feeds and brassinolide which my last plant got too but i used AN supplements on her.Both got great
results but im sticking with Golden Tree,it got slightly better buds than AN multi supps. and probably more of them.
A lot cheaper for me as im only using it half strength anyway in the drip system.
Thanks for following this grow my friends,time to enjoy the fruits of my labour.