New Grower Red`s AutoUltimate,first grow journal.

I am sub'd up too! I have appreciated your looking and chiming in on my grows. Looking forward to doing the same for your work!
Thanks for dropping by,subbing up and your kind words Akreso.
Its nice to know that i am appreciated at my age,lol.
I hope me efforts will be worthy of same praise mate.
subbed for this dude even though your badge should be this

ha ha only messing dude looking forward to keeping up with your grow and nice tip about the worm castings:slap: cant rep you much but what i can you can have :pass:
Cheers Wile,the rep you gave me is much appreciated,the Everton badge is not.
Only joking pal,am pleased to have you onboard.The more the merrier.
EWCs are great for seedlings as its virtually impossible to burn them or overfeed so avoiding stunting.
Thanks for subbing up mate.
alright! first journal! subbed up for sure. the set-up sounds top-notch Red. and i'm looking forward to the drip system. good luck with your grow, sounds to be a good one
Nice to hear from you Elsam,thanks for dropping by and subbing up mate.
Your support is appreciated.
Ive been running my diy drip system on my current grow(in my album)and am quite pleased with it so far.
I hope its a good grow Elsam,all my eggs will be in one basket so to speak.
Thanks again bud.

Edit; Thanks for the rep bro.
Hello Hairy,nice to hear from you.Thanks for dropping by mate.
Dont know about a monster,but i will do my best.
If this grow goes tits up,that Everton badge is getting the blame,lol.
Well its been 3 days since i planted my seed and usually ive got a sprout by now,
but not this time.I know its still early days,but when the norm doesnt happen its worrying.
I will probably plant another seed on saturday if nothing shows.
I have 2 autopowerplants that are doing ok though,heres some pics from yerterday when i had no power
so i put them outside til it came back on.
Outside today 68days 009.JPG
Outside today 68days 010.JPG
Outside today 68days 005.JPG
Outside today 68days 008.JPG