New Grower Red`s AutoUltimate,first grow journal.

I think I like you're pictures I mean I do I hit like in the media section an it made the thumbs go down confused did I like it or not lol I smoke alot
Yeah dank you gave a couple of my albums likes,thank you very much it is nice to know my work is appreciated.
Youve made an old man very happy,lol.
Shes starting to throw a few pistils out now,she showed her lady bits around day 24 but i forgot to mention it.(senior moment)
Res. atm is 580ppm.,i missed out grow nutes and used less micro to reduce nitrogen content.I upped the cal/mag content which would add more N but only a small amount.She seems happier now anyways.
Shes 9" tall now and still bushy even after i chopped off a few obstructive fans.
Lights are 120w cfl(mix 6400k&2700k) and 90w vipar reflector.Still on 4 feeds a day.
32days 003.JPG
32days 001.JPG
32days 003.JPG
Keep it up robbo, they look like happy girls! Your bound to happy too 49 mil for that tosser sterling lol
Cheers Sang,im only growing one plant mate,i was interested to see what i could get from one known good yielding plant
using the lighting ive got.
Im worried City will sue Liverpool under the trades description act,they think theyve bought a footballer.

Hes the most over rated player in the world,But,a bloody good bit of business,makes up for the Andy Carroll debacle,lol.