Red Poison Nitrogen Toxicity???

... :smoking: sorry Noob, been busy with the move,... Oy! -that's Ca defc. big time :doh:... and yes, N-tox can mess with Ca uptake,.. dude, holler sooner, even at the Live Help thread if you need to, okay? Ca defc. can come on very fast, and make a visual mess of things,...finer spotting is common, but large patches of necrotic tissue can form to, especially when advanced... Ca demand is high at this stage too,.. get on that Ca-Mg ASAP, full dosage power! forget dolomite, it's the slowest acting form of lime, you need right-now available Ca-Mg,.. it'll take a few days to get in there and working, so some progression of symtpoms will happen, but hopefully will halt soon,.... what's your Ca-Mg supplement on hand? Does it have any N in it? --some do!

Hey @Waira no problem, thanks for the diagnosis :biggrin:. I have no fast acting cal mag supplement on hand because I grow organically and unfortunately can't get my hands on the general organics cal mag+
The closest alternative to organic would be the Atptus cal mag boost, but it has shitloads of N in it (9,9,2) :cuss:
Other cal mag alternative is mineral-based (synthetic) from advanced nutrients sensi cal-mag Xtra but this would ruin all my microbial soil life and probably also has Nitrogen in it.

Do you think that advanced nutrients sensi cal-mag Xtra is very bad for the soil bacteria and also has hidden Nitrogen in it?
I don't want to use anything that is not organic in my grows, but I don't think I have another choice at the moment.
These necrosis spots are spreading so fast and getting so severe that I am starting to lose hope in the red poison :shrug:and think that no cal mag supplement will save her anymore...its her day 51 and she is starting to look as if she is about to die and the bud development is rather disapointing to say the least. Today the leaves are so crunchy and dry that they crumble :nono:

I have bought bottled water with 200 mg of calcium per Liter but I don't know if this will be enough and if the calcium in the water is fast acting like in a supplement.
:doh: damn-- rock and a hard place, huh,... I'd really like to see a soil pH, to be sure it's not so acidic as to cause Ca lockout, along with P,... I don't think you're there, but when it gets this advanced, it's more difficult to tell as symptoms advance,... the AN stuff, what's the N value in that, 4 or something? ...only thing else to try is molasses, which does have Ca, mg and some K,... I'd go 1T/L (15ml)... this sucks mate, I've not see one turn south like this so fast,...
Hey @Waira something is seriously messed up with the red poison and I’m really thinking whether I should pull her so my Med Gom can have more space under the lights. I mean it sounds crazy to pull her just a few weeks before harvest but I really think that she is clinically dead and will not even have the power to ripen because her leaves are all fucked and she just does not have the capacity to use the light to ripen. Believe it or not, she looks healthy in hese pictures compared to how sje looks in real life :frowny: The buds are just not developing at all and she is not drinking at all anymore. Her pot is still heavy from the watering that was 3 days ago while the Med Gom is drinking 1.5 liter /day.


I really don’t know what to do with her and would love to just pull her and plant a new red poison but I think I will wait untill my med gom finishes so I can plant 2 red poisons and give them I chance to show what they are really capable of.

What do you think, is it worth letting her live?
...Hmmm, those other clues mentioned hint at possible root troubles, which will account for the defc. symptoms-- she's not moving enough goods upstairs! I see P defc. in the new pics with better close shots of the leaves,... I say limp her into the barn, mate! You could even try a light foliar spray of Ca-Mg and mild nutes, bypassing the roots,... this has it's risks, but it's manageable.... do you have a wetting agent/water spreader? Critical for this method,... it allows for even coating and better sticking to the leave surface, which facilitated better absorption,... spray top an bottoms of leaves, trying your best to not soak the buds.. it'll be a PITA doing it, but minimizing overspray onto buds will help reduce mold risk,.. she must be fully dry by lights out,... and don't let her sit under direct light during the spraying and drying-- drys too fast, and might burn too,...
...Hmmm, those other clues mentioned hint at possible root troubles, which will account for the defc. symptoms-- she's not moving enough goods upstairs! I see P defc. in the new pics with better close shots of the leaves,... I say limp her into the barn, mate! You could even try a light foliar spray of Ca-Mg and mild nutes, bypassing the roots,... this has it's risks, but it's manageable.... do you have a wetting agent/water spreader? Critical for this method,... it allows for even coating and better sticking to the leave surface, which facilitated better absorption,... spray top an bottoms of leaves, trying your best to not soak the buds.. it'll be a PITA doing it, but minimizing overspray onto buds will help reduce mold risk,.. she must be fully dry by lights out,... and don't let her sit under direct light during the spraying and drying-- drys too fast, and might burn too,...

Hey @Waira thanks, I will let the crippled lady limb to the barn and let the nature take its course:deadhorse:

Now to my healthy girl, is it a calcium or a phosphorous deficiency that the Med Gom is showing?
Hey @Waira thanks, I will let the crippled lady limb to the barn and let the nature take its course:deadhorse:

Now to my healthy girl, is it a calcium or a phosphorous deficiency that the Med Gom is showing?
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It looks burnt to me. What lights do you use and how far is it from the plant? The upwards-curved leaves are usually also a sign of heat stress.

Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk
It looks burnt to me. What lights do you use and how far is it from the plant? The upwards-curved leaves are usually also a sign of heat stress.

Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk

I used a 150 w LED panel at about a foot away from the plants but then the fan on the panel broke and I had to switch to a 250 W HPS that I keep around 1.5 feet away from the canopy.

Your comment on my plants being burned really got me thinking that it might be the cause of my problems. In my last grow, my plants started showing severe calcium deficiencies, or what appears to be calcium deficiency, straight away after I switched my LED panel full power into flower mode. So the LED light might be too intense for them and has to be moved further away from the plants. Well I learned a many things during this grow and will make the right adjustments in my next one
I used a 150 w LED panel at about a foot away from the plants but then the fan on the panel broke and I had to switch to a 250 W HPS that I keep around 1.5 feet away from the canopy.

Your comment on my plants being burned really got me thinking that it might be the cause of my problems. In my last grow, my plants started showing severe calcium deficiencies, or what appears to be calcium deficiency, straight away after I switched my LED panel full power into flower mode. So the LED light might be too intense for them and has to be moved further away from the plants. Well I learned a many things during this grow and will make the right adjustments in my next one
Yup, moving it away should take care of it. Also, are you using any Calmag? Led can cause calcium and magnesium deficiency, so it's a good idea to add some (not too much) to their diet. ;)
Thanks mate @witchyhour , unfortunately I couldn't find a goods organic cal mag supplement anywhere in Europe. General Organics cal mag + or Calpex would be ideal but I have to get those shipped from US to Europe. I found an alternative that I can purchase in Europe, it's called humboldt equilibrium and I will definitely purchase that for my next grow.
Thanks mate @witchyhour , unfortunately I couldn't find a goods organic cal mag supplement anywhere in Europe. General Organics cal mag + or Calpex would be ideal but I have to get those shipped from US to Europe. I found an alternative that I can purchase in Europe, it's called humboldt equilibrium and I will definitely purchase that for my next grow.
You're more than welcome! Maybe my friend can help...

@Itisi Where do you get yours?