Red Poison Nitrogen Toxicity???

:doh: damn! Noob', it seems that was the start of the symptoms, not the middle or end! --clearly, she's still picking up N from the soil, and the nute's may still be too much (no, the bloom won't ramp up N use like that)-- sorry mate, it's hard to tell from just pics sometimes :face:-- day to day, even hour to hour subtle clues can make all the difference!...with organics, there's a delay of variable time as the N gets broken down,.. maybe a flush is in order at this point, with about 2-3x the pot volume, done in under 20min... be sure to include a mild nute soln. in the last pour through,... I know this is a bitch with airpots! And the speed draining trick is more difficult because of the elevated bottom,...after the initial draining, with most pots you can tuck some newspaper with a few paper towels on top of that, under the pot base... capillary action will wick and draw off the excess moisture from the soil, if proper contact is made between the base drainage holes and p-t/newspapers,... if you have a small towel, or a fat wad of paper ones, you can stuff them under the base to fill in the gap, and see if that works... this really does suck the extra out much faster, and the less time the medium is saturated, the better!

My concern is that I have very hard tap water and it will contain a significant amount of chlorine because I really don't have 60 litres of bottled water at home that I can use for the flush. But I guess the Nitrogen toxicity Is a far more dangerous condition for the plant than hard tap water with chlorine.... so I will just flush herwith my tap water and hope for the best. can let the chlorine gas off for a day,.... how hard is the water, ppm's/pH? Oh!-- how did they look today? And do you have a bloom feed that's high P-K and little to no N? --just a thought, to eliminate any N input for a bit, and avoid the flush, but I know you're rolling with Biobizz only, organic... if things look stable, you can skip the flush for now can let the chlorine gas off for a day,.... how hard is the water, ppm's/pH? Oh!-- how did they look today? And do you have a bloom feed that's high P-K and little to no N? --just a thought, to eliminate any N input for a bit, and avoid the flush, but I know you're rolling with Biobizz only, organic... if things look stable, you can skip the flush for now

Hey Waira, I am flushing Red Poison right now. I bought 20 L of destilled water and 30 L of good bottled water with a PH 6.7. No costs were spared because I really did not want to wait another day for the chlorine to eveporate and my tap water is bad: mS/cm = 0.5 and PH = 8.6.
I first flushed her with 20 litres of destilled water then with 15 litres of good bottled water that naturally has a PH of 6.7 and now I will do the last pour through with 10 L of the good bottled water together with 10 ml Bloom, 10 ml Heaven, 10 ml Root Juice, 10 ml Al A Mic and 10 ml of Top 1 ml/L of all the good stuff without bio Grow of course :eyebrows::eyebrows::eyebrows: I hope this is good enough because I only use organic biobizz and have no other nutes. The PH of the last 10L pour through iwill be 6.3.

By the way they look the same as yesterday, maybe a bit worse... so I did not want to take any chances and decided to follow your advice and flush.


Many thanks again @Waira for the advice and instructions how to proceed with capillary action that will wick and draw off the excess moisture from the soil :bighug: I will follow step by step and will of course report on the condition of my girl tomorrow.
Many thanks again @Waira you always give the right advice at the right time :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

Just on the side note: to add to the problems that I am experiencing with N toxicity, the fan on my LED Panel broke yesterday :cuss::cuss::cuss:so I am using some fans to keep the panel from overheating (heat is really bad because it decreases the lifespan of the LEDs) What a bad timing. I cannot send it back to get repaired because my girls will end up without any light while the panel is being repaired (probably 2 weeks) so I will finish this grow by externaly cooling the panel with fans and then send it back to get repaired...still have 1 year waranty.
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:pass: Cheers Noob', you're welcome--- :doh: fukky-sucky on the fan blow-out! Maybe, if you have a small one (like the desk top or clip type, 6"), lay it right on top if the venting slots point-blank to blast air into it... should allow you to limp along,... start bitching (nicely) at the LED co. about the fan ASAP, to cue shit up when it's time!
I've found Red Poison to be resistant to any type of training. I typically get between 1.5-2 oz/plant in 3 gal soil containers under 1000w hps. I am VERY interested how you do as I think it's me just screwing them up when I try. Here are my girls on week 4. This grow had some real stretch. Typically if nothing goes wrong they fill in wonderfully and develop a smell reminiscent of fruity pebbles.Please ignore the solo cups. They are photos destined for outside somewhere in a few more weeks.
alright now that I have fully read this I have to agree with Waira. FLUSH FLUSH FLUSH. Red Poison needs almost no nutrients. I first feed them on day 21 with 1/4 of what is recommended for veg fert, 1/2 for cal mag, 1/4 for root and 1/2 for micro nutrients. Week four I go 50% with everything. Typically its a teaspoon per gallon but read the instructions. I switch to bloom nutes in week 6. It will turn yellow and shed some leaves around week 7 but will keep going to week 10 so long as you slow feed her veg nutes to week 6. If you switch to bloom around week 4 you can hurry her up and harvest by week 8 for a small reduction of end weight. For me between 7-14 grams. Hope this helps! Still looks good though and you'll end up with some nice smoke.
:pass: Cheers Noob', you're welcome--- :doh: fukky-sucky on the fan blow-out! Maybe, if you have a small one (like the desk top or clip type, 6"), lay it right on top if the venting slots point-blank to blast air into it... should allow you to limp along,... start bitching (nicely) at the LED co. about the fan ASAP, to cue shit up when it's time!

Hey @Waira, I had a small fan right on top of my panel's venting slots and an additional big fan blowing from above but my panel was still heating up and I decided to send it back to get repaired...I really did not want to risk any damage of the LEDs by going another 30-40 days without the original fan working. Meanwhile I am using a 250W HPS lamp with a diamond reflector. The girls seem to enjoy the change of light and are constantly praying to HPS light with their leaves up :worship:.

The red poison really benefited from the flush because the claws have not spread to the other branches and the affected branches did not get worse. As you can see from the first few pictures, the branch that was most severely affected has still major claws and the affected leaves will not recover anymore but now the plant is putting its energy into producing buds and is not as stunted as before the flush.


I don't think I have a red pheno or I had genetic predisposition to turn red but the N toxicity has prevented it from doing so :pass:

As you can see from the pictures below, the other branches seem to be alright...@Waira your advice to flush was right on time to prevent a possible disaster.

Red Poison on the left and Med Gom on the right. I have the feeling that the Red poison even stretched a bit more after the flush, so that must mean that she really liked the reduction of Nitrogen in the saturated soil. I assume that I will get my repaired LED panel back in 1.5 weeks so menawhile my girls are drinking a lot more under the HPS light and I should be careful not to make the same mistake twice and avoid overfeeding them...this time with Phosphorus.
I've found Red Poison to be resistant to any type of training. I typically get between 1.5-2 oz/plant in 3 gal soil containers under 1000w hps. I am VERY interested how you do as I think it's me just screwing them up when I try. Here are my girls on week 4. This grow had some real stretch. Typically if nothing goes wrong they fill in wonderfully and develop a smell reminiscent of fruity pebbles.Please ignore the solo cups. They are photos destined for outside somewhere in a few more weeks. View attachment 563953

Hey mate thanks for the info, I learned my lesson and will be carefull with the nutes. I really underestimated the power of the organic bio bizz nutes.

Concerning the low stress training, I have learned it from @Hazy...he is the guru when it comes to training the girls. Just watch some of his previous grows and you will be enlightened with the art of LST. Basically in a nut shell, I bend the girls over@ 90 degree angle when they are roughly 14 days old. I do this by attaching one end of a soft wire to the bottom of the main stem and the other end of the wire to the pot.


This provides stability to the plant and prevents the roots from being pulled out of the soil when you start to bend your lady over. When bending your girl over you have to be carefull and do it slowly, depending how stiff or elastic the main stem is. When bending the girls over, you have to attach one end of the soft wire(by making a hook) to the top of your plant and the other end of the wire to the side of the that your girl will stay in that bent over position. Don't make the hook too tight around the stem because this will cut off the circulation as the stem becomes thicker. Now that the top of your main stem is bent over, the side stems will shoot up and try to be come the main stem. Your job is to tie those side branches down and ensure that all of the branches are on the same level/hight.

It is really fun because as you tie several branches down, the other branches shoot up to become the main branch and your job is again to tie them down and keep them all on the same level.


This might sound confusing to you but it is actuallym a very simple process when you start doing it. Just check out some of Hazy's grows and you will see the master at work.
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