Red Poison Nitrogen Toxicity???

It was right around day 45 I noticed the bigger red had started to swell and was getting darker, also the leaves. Both the Mohan Ram and Red 1 we're starting to yellow while Red 2 had already reached Max height and stopped swelling not to mention NONE of the leaves had started to turn they all were still very healthy looking dark green. I also thought the same thing. The answer is yes stunted red 2 did not change color but instead the plant and dry flower looked exactly like OG green poison lol. I also noticed that instead of getting bigger and changing color she put mass loads of energy into getting frosty as hell and she had MASSIVE red hairs. I think your theory may be correct.

Thanks for the info mate. I guess we just have to wait and see how my red poison will deal with this nitrogen toxicity...hopefully she'll bounce back and show me her true colors. It's very interesting that your red poison started to show color quite late because the red poison of @Hansbricks started showing colors as early as day 28 and by day 36 she was already purple/red as hell:fire:

So there is still hope for my girl to join the red club:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::pass:
Many thanks for diagnosing my girls and the reputation points @Waira . Now I know that both of them have enough Nitrogen stored that will last them until harvest.
I thought that from now on I can completely cut out Nitrogen but it's just not possible :shrug: even the Bio Bizz Bloom has such a high amount of Nitrogen to Phosphorous ratio :nono:.

So in your opinion, should I only feed the girls with Bio Bloom and Topmax from now on (in order to reduce the amount of Nitrogen in the feed) or can I still add a bit of Bio Heaven and Alg a Mic?

Bio Bloom: Nitrogen = 1,9% Phosphorous 6,9%
Bio Heaven: Nitrogen = 1,2%
Top Max: Nitrogen = 0,2%
Alg A Mic: Nitrogen = 0,2%

Bio Bloom:
View attachment 561699

Top Max
View attachment 561705

Alg A Mic
View attachment 561703

Bio Heaven
View attachment 561704
Please follow my grow and the ratio I use biobizz I'm on my second auto grow with biobizz nutes I personally think there slightly n- toxic but not tomuch so just cut out the grow and ull be fine peice and here a fat rep slap for diagnosis on ure girl:slap:
Please follow my grow and the ratio I use biobizz I'm on my second auto grow with biobizz nutes I personally think there slightly n- toxic but not tomuch so just cut out the grow and ull be fine peice and here a fat rep slap for diagnosis on ure girl:slap:

Many thanks for the advice and the REP Slap @Bailey :biggrin: i will check out your grow when I get home on my PC
After checking up on my girls I have noticed that the Red Poison's condition seems to be getting worse ... especially one side branch/shoot seems to suffer most severe effects from N toxicity. It is as if this branch is taking one for the team and absorbing the most Nitrogen in order to save the other branches from the toxicity. The bud development of red poison is stunted and this particular branch is stunted the most and its leaves are dying off. I hope this will not spread to the other branches because it would really mess up the whole plant.

The med Gom, on the right, is showing no claws however it also has a very dark green color but not nearly as dark green as the Red Poison on the right which has an almost black color leaves.

I still don't want to flush the red poison and will see how the situation develops in the next few days. I am feeding both girls with Bio Bizz bloom (2ml/L), Alg A Mic (2ml/L), Heaven (2ml/L), Top Max (2ml/L). First I thought to maybe only give the Red Poison plain water but then I thought that the bloom nutes might supercharge the metabolism and bud developoment so that the nitrogen gets used up faster and the red poison will get back on track to producing fat buds and depart from stunt city :oops1:

Any thoughts or suggestions are welcome and greatly appreciated
Hmm I am not really sure, the Red that stunted on me was further into flowering than yours I really hope she comes out of it man let me show you what my stunted looked like vs the one that did not stunt, let me find pics.... Ok check them out-

This is Red 2 the stunted after she dried----- Red #1 my precious lol
Red # 2 main cola top.jpg
Final Mohan & Red 001.jpg

as you can tell they are completely different looking. If you want to look at my grow journal to check out pics of them while they were growing and progress to compare the link to the grow is in my signature, it is titled Grow #3 coming up. I wish I knew more about N tox so I could help out more, I really hope she gets well soon.
:doh: damn! Noob', it seems that was the start of the symptoms, not the middle or end! --clearly, she's still picking up N from the soil, and the nute's may still be too much (no, the bloom won't ramp up N use like that)-- sorry mate, it's hard to tell from just pics sometimes :face:-- day to day, even hour to hour subtle clues can make all the difference!...with organics, there's a delay of variable time as the N gets broken down,.. maybe a flush is in order at this point, with about 2-3x the pot volume, done in under 20min... be sure to include a mild nute soln. in the last pour through,... I know this is a bitch with airpots! And the speed draining trick is more difficult because of the elevated bottom,...after the initial draining, with most pots you can tuck some newspaper with a few paper towels on top of that, under the pot base... capillary action will wick and draw off the excess moisture from the soil, if proper contact is made between the base drainage holes and p-t/newspapers,... if you have a small towel, or a fat wad of paper ones, you can stuff them under the base to fill in the gap, and see if that works... this really does suck the extra out much faster, and the less time the medium is saturated, the better!
Thanks @Kakarot !!!!
Hmm I am not really sure, the Red that stunted on me was further into flowering than yours I really hope she comes out of it man let me show you what my stunted looked like vs the one that did not stunt, let me find pics.... Ok check them out-

This is Red 2 the stunted after she dried----- Red #1 my precious lol
View attachment 562462 View attachment 562463
as you can tell they are completely different looking. If you want to look at my grow journal to check out pics of them while they were growing and progress to compare the link to the grow is in my signature, it is titled Grow #3 coming up. I wish I knew more about N tox so I could help out more, I really hope she gets well soon.

Thanks @Kakarot !!!
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Thanks for the advice and instructions @Waira !!! When I get home in the evening I will check out her condition and do a flush. I just have last question @Waira . In case I get home in the evening and discover that the condition of the red poison did not get worse but stayed the same, with only that one branch being extremely affected and not the other branches, would you still recommend to flush?
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