...dude my heart goes out to you.....the waiting game is a painful one, for sure......wish I could donate dude.....on the last pic all the trichs look cloudy dude, but I know its just the camera....or is it?....everything looks fantastic dude.....top work!Thank you!!! Early bud...greenish tasting and a bit harsh...decent buzz. :-/ 5th day in paper bag so hopefully taste has improved. Doubt the buzz will though.
Waiting on them to finish is kill’n me. Day 50/55 and from the looks of them it’s going to be another few weeks.
*BTS...she’s getting glamour shots when she starts to get more mature.
*Group shot
*Sour stomper - super duper frosty!
*Sour crack close up...found a single rusty trich on ONE SC...not in this pic though.