Recipe for Root Rub

:slap:Thanks for sharing Root, Missus finished the first batch and we got out the plastic and rolled around in it.

Really though people are asking how I got Mississ involved, you helped and this is a big reason why.

:peace:Root Rub Tester
Thanks for the rep!

I'm so glad you made it and like it!

Just so you know, one of our products IS the Love Rub

And since I am the Valentine God, you know I speak the truth.

Ha ha, reps to you folks both, hope you don't mind I slap yer lady, I mean you slapped mine.

:slap: :slap:

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My First Root Rub!
Came out great, hardest part was finding the wax. Went everywhere looking for the beeswax and fially found it at a great art store. Now I have 4 cups of rub that im passing out to some family. Just want to see if it helps out. Will check back again.

Looks like you did a wonderful job!
Everyone will be begging you to make more!
Eek I would slap you back and and this could go on for ever. :smokebuds:

Thank you and Root so much for sharing, We have already felt the aphrodiasiac effect ;)

We are testing on close friends and family and we will see who wants more and for what they feel it helps them with.

Can you tell me more about what you would prescribe it for?

I am trying it for Psoriasis on my ears, and arthritis in my hands.

So what do you do with stems and fan leaves?
