Recipe for Root Rub

Root Rub has been great for post workout recovery. I went for the first long bike ride of spring, about 25 miles. First rides of spring can be alittle painful on your hands, lower back and legs of course. I found after using the rub I didn't notice any stiftness or pain. Love this stuff!
We have had such positive feedback from the root rubs we have given out. People want to pay for it ( did not see that coming). And to me the most interesting thing is people who would not smoke pot love this stuff. A couple testers are older and fighting the aches and pains of aging, a couple are going thru some serious stuff and a couple of healthy athletes like it. I like the whole plant or green rub as we call it. Really helps with arthritis and deeper aches and pains. Love this stuff!!!"

I have a bunch of roots in rockwool blocks. What is the easies way to get all the roots out of the rockwool? The rockwool cubes are wet. Should I let them dry out before I try to get the roots out of them. Could I just pull out as much roots as I can with a little rockwool in the mix? Or will the rockwool ruin the root rub?

Thanks for any help....
This looks incredible. Great contribution! Nothing goes to waste... The capabilities of this plant never ceases to amaze me.