Hahahaha, i don't know what got into me that day. Penguin brings out the best im me.
You gotta take care of yourself first bud, life happens to us all. You need that arm so go easy with it.
Pm me when you can, no rush bud.
LMFAO!! That shit was classic!!
Hey Coffee mates!
... Reb, I see this with increasing frequency at the Infirmary! It is indeed a proximity/localized intensity thing, not just heat/low RH/strong air movement combo thing... I don't know what the exact physiology behind this reaction is...oddly, root damage can cause similar edge rolling as well-but because it never corrects, this suggests that the cells themselves are being affected, and growing at uneven rates or proportions, possibly in different layers..? I recall hearing something about certain strains showing tendencies to do this, but typically during bloom, not as seedlings...
Good basics article found by EoW! yes, there's not a linear relationship between more light = more growth/bud production; there are physiological limits that bottleneck things at many different levels (cell to whole plant), or overwhelm them and start causing damage to the intercellular machinery (bleaching-- destruction of the photosynthetic machinery, breakdown of chlorophyll)... In truth, it gets complicated fast, depending on what the limiting factors are within the plant itself,... that section on Tip Burn, Nute Defc., dying leaves is really about the transpiration process, moving water and nute's from roots up leaf tips... K+ plays a thermal regulation role in this process, along with simple evaporative cooling, which is directly affected by the amount of light energy going in, along with env. factors (T, RH, air movement... often overlooked is high RH, which anybody who's been in that kind of climate can tell you; you sweat gallons, but don't cool, making you sweat even more)... plants in really high RH that can't cool go into heat stress just like they would in dry conditions... dead tissue just doesn't get crispy as fast! Heat stress exacerbates nute burn, may even cause it because several nute' elements (especially N) are taken up and assimilated whether the plant needs them or not... ramp up the transpiration rate, and the nute come along for the ride in kind! It's not hard to accumulate to the point of toxicity if things are rich enough down below.... trouble is, lots of toxicity/defc. symptoms can overlap in appearance, or get muddied together as, naturally, more than one thing is going wrong at a time! Hammering the leaf into metabolic overdrive could potentially also cause defc's, if reserves are low to begin with, and the sudden demand increase pushes things beyond what's available,...
Quiz Friday!
deewd, WTF did you do to your arm?! I saw nothing in Globals about it,...
Quiz FRIDAY?! fuck me!!!ROFLMFAO!!! Man I swear I owe you money toward your Masters degree!! Thanks brudda! As per @Eyeoftheworld 's advice I raised my light up!! And they are rocking now!!
Oh well about a weeks ago I had an accident in the house with a ceramic crock pot and chipped the bone on the inside if my right arm right next to my elbow. Its still swollen a week later. Today its feeling better but it's annoying and I haven't been able to play guitar in a week and I'm not happy about that lmao