New Grower Raoul-Duke's First Grow, Northern Lights Auto, LEDs, Late Start

Well we're getting so close I can smell it! Literally, this thing is stinky! Not overpowering, but it's there.

Today is Lucy's 100th day. I suspect her letter from the queen is in the mail. Barbara is 90.

Here's some terrible photos! :crying:


Both plants got just over a gallon of 6.1 phed water with 10ml bloom, 7ml calmag, 7ml hydroplex, and 7ml liquid karma. initial ppm was 260ppm(.7), or 0.37 EC. After nutes it was ~1300ppm, or 1.86EC. Both got about 10% run-off and they both measured 5.7ish ph. Not really sure what to make of that, though that would be right about where I want it. Lucy's run-off ran ~2000ppm (2.86EC) and Barbara was at ~3000!?ppm (4.29EC). The soil meter is reading 6.8ph :shrug:.

So here's some better pics of the girls.

Lucy (day100):


Again, no thricome shots of Lucy... I think she's camera shy.

And here's Barbara (day 90):


And here's her thrich shots:


I know the shots are blurry but I'm pretty sure I'm seeing orange? Figured they were worth showing. Lucy doesn't have nearly as much orange, in fact I counted maybe... 4, 5 on the whole plant? Should I be chopping them down fairly soon? A weekend chop would be ideal. Well that's all for now. A couple more bad photos to follow in a sec. Happy growing everyone! This is about to get good! :pass::jointman::vibe:


Edit: Sorry messed up the measurements. I added 20ml bloom, 7ml calmag, 7ml hydroplex, 7ml liquid karma to a 2.5 gallon reservoir. So each plant got roughly 1.25 galons with 10 ml bloom, 3.5ml calmag, 3.5ml hydroplex, and 3.5ml liquid karma. The ppms were right, so this isn't really a big deal.
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It's not just my shitty camera right? Those are orange thricomes?
I see some amber in there. She could be harvested at any time. I like to harvest my sativa's with almost no amber....indica as much as 30%...depending what I'm going for (narcotic type pain relief, sleep). I guess you have to figure out what you are going for, bro.
I see some amber in there. She could be harvested at any time. I like to harvest my sativa's with almost no amber....indica as much as 30%...depending what I'm going for (narcotic type pain relief, sleep). I guess you have to figure out what you are going for, bro.
Still have quit ea few white hairs, does that matter?
I think if you are eligible you should nominate one of these nice looking ladies.
You killed it my man
Wish I could take macro shots because those are beautiful pics brotha.
If you don't mind. I just slapped you with my strong hand.