Indoor Raoul-Duke grows Zen Seeds - Snow Queen Auto

Raoul Duke

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Apr 3, 2017
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I ordered 7 Black Widow Autos and 7 Snow Queen Autos, which I received very quickly, thank you Zen Seeds! So many strains to try, so little room, so we're starting with one Snow Queen for now. This thread will keep track of that progress.

Lights/Schedule: 150-200W DIY COBS at 20/4. (may go 22/2 or 24/0 with winter coming)
Pot Size: 3 gal
Medium: Bottom lined with large Growstones. 80% Pro-Mix BX and 20% small Growstones.
Nutrients: All Botanicare Pure Blend Grow and Bloom, Silica Blast, Hydrogard, Liquid Karma, Hydroplex and Cal-Mag, as well as GH Rapid Start. Also using Cal-Mag as foliar spray.
Germ technique: soaked bean for ~12 hours and placed directly into prepped medium. Took about 2 or 3 days to pop out of soil.

Today is day 12 above soil. I'm happy with the progress so far. Lights are a little high (34 inches) to accommodate the rest of the tent but I think she's doing okay. She's had two small waterings so far of about 250 ml. Here are the pics so far.

Day 1

Day 12


@TheMongol Here ya go bud. Started a thread.

Cheers all
Ah, you Rocka Holla Ayatolla! You you really did it! Much respect and take some:slap:

for the challenge and your setup, bro!

We'll surf this Zen wave together, planted my 3rd and last G 13 project auto today after soaked in water and germed in paper towels, can't to see them grow!
BTW, how did you see you Zen beans, mine have been really double the size of normal seeds and i had to file/rasp the back of the seed to help it break through!?
View attachment 824153
I ordered 7 Black Widow Autos and 7 Snow Queen Autos, which I received very quickly, thank you Zen Seeds! So many strains to try, so little room, so we're starting with one Snow Queen for now. This thread will keep track of that progress.

Lights/Schedule: 150-200W DIY COBS at 20/4. (may go 22/2 or 24/0 with winter coming)
Pot Size: 3 gal
Medium: Bottom lined with large Growstones. 80% Pro-Mix BX and 20% small Growstones.
Nutrients: All Botanicare Pure Blend Grow and Bloom, Silica Blast, Hydrogard, Liquid Karma, Hydroplex and Cal-Mag, as well as GH Rapid Start. Also using Cal-Mag as foliar spray.
Germ technique: soaked bean for ~12 hours and placed directly into prepped medium. Took about 2 or 3 days to pop out of soil.

Today is day 12 above soil. I'm happy with the progress so far. Lights are a little high (34 inches) to accommodate the rest of the tent but I think she's doing okay. She's had two small waterings so far of about 250 ml. Here are the pics so far.

Day 1
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Day 12
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View attachment 824156

@TheMongol Here ya go bud. Started a thread.

Cheers all
Hi Raoul-Duke
Good luck with your Zenseed grow I wish you a big yield. I have grown 2 strains from zenseed this round and I was happy with them. The Bluetooth become one of my favourite.

Enjoy your grow and have a nice day
cu tobe
Hey guys sorry about the lack of updates. The Snow queen has had some really nice growth since last update. She's now at 27 days. Had a bit of user error to start off. First I let the soil dry out a little too much, then I over watered a little. I also added an extra COB and have the lights on 24/0 to battle the cold. Tent was getting to 19C some days. I was also foliar feeding with calmag and I think the extra light intensity did not play well as you can see from some of the pics, so I've stopped foliar feeding all together. I also overfed a little, you can still see some clawing going on but I've lowered the N and she's recovering nicely from that.

Keep up those green thumbs everyone,


Sad to say that I've had to pull the plug on this girl. She was growing so well too, despite of all the issues I had with her.

So the over watering led to a few fungus gnats. I should have taken pics, but what I originally thought was light burn from foliar spraying was more likely caused by the fungus gnat larvae as the problem continued after stopping the foliar spray. Leaves would start to get rust spots and turn yellow after a while. The problem only stopped when I let the pot completely dry out and the fungus gnats disappeared. During this time, my other 2 plants, which were just about ready to harvest, got a tiny bit of mold. I cleaned up the mold, harvested the plants, and cleaned the buds, but I was left with a decision to make. I could see the plant was recovering, but there was still a risk of getting more fungus gnats from the larvae that was probably, undoubtedly, still in my soil, not to mention the possibility of mold spreading from the plants I had just harvested. And also, the Snow Queen had already taken a beating, you could see her growth had slowed, so the grow time would have been extended, and quality/quantity severely affected as well. So I decided to cut my losses and give my setup a serious cleaning to prepare for the next round.

It's a shame I couldn't continue growing her because she was growing so nicely even with the problems she was having. I checked her roots and they were super healthy white and even thicker than the 2 flowering plants beside her.

All in all, it was surely a learning experience and I'm now much more prepared for future grows because of it.
