Indoor (R)DWC + LED + AF + DE + AP!


Jun 8, 2016
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whoa, a lot of abbreviation going on!

Hi folks, new mad professor here!

I am constructing a Deep water culture system, using LED, lighting, Autoflower beans in Diatomaceous Earth as medium, and Aquaponics as the nutrients! :muahaha:

So this is my journal where I will record my crazy plans and progress over the coming months.

Bare with me as I construct and add to this list!

Here we grow!

The AP gear:
130L fish tank
<25mm Diatomaceous Earth aquarium gravel & grow medium
# of fish/type TBA
# of aquatic plants/algae eaters TBA
chilli plants as indicators

The nutes:
Fish poo!
DE (Diatomaceous Earth contains good levels of trace elements that can be missing in AP systems)
Tea feeding that is safe for the fish and flora spray TBA
Failsafe/Backup will be commercial available organic nutes if the fish die! :yoinks:

Hardware and Schedule:

I guess I should add some science to my plan, so here are some details on AP and DE, and wtf am I doing?!?!

AP, aquaponics is using broken down organic material present in aquatic environments as a plant food, which in turn 'polishes' the water for the fish, google it, I will go into detail where needed but basically if you want to use the nutes from a pond or aquarium you need a healthy fish ecosystem to begin, you need healthy bacteria actively turning ammonia into nitrates, once sorted it should be safe to 'grow/veg' with..

AP can be deficient in a lot of stuff, that's where DE comes in;

DE, diatomaceous earth is used in heaps of areas, I have used it as a medium before and it holds trace elements that compliment aquaponics, it also polishes the water, inhibits fungus and other organic pests for both the environment and the fish. Hopefully the use of DE will make supplementing a bit easier when flowering..

The last tool in this nute/medium setup is colloidal silver, I will use this occasionally again to polish the water and combat disease of fish.

Chilli plants will be my eyes and ears before I risk an expensive bean, although I should do a test grow before fully committing to this... I recon it will go gang busters when I finally get a bean in!

My DE is on order, best grow medium ever! xx


OK, so not much content :(

Fear not good viewer, I will populate this thread the best I can with regular instalments, be aware I am constructing this in my spare time and and am some time off my actual grow ;)

Episode 1;
I have a 130L fish tank to start this thing, to begin I need to provide the fish an environment, I have sourced some DE aggregate for the tank and grow beds.

<pic of tank> soon!

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placeholder for yield and results!

no thread crap plz

DE as a medium? Interesting. I'd like to see and hear more... I've always wanted to try Ap..... lol

Good growing
yep DE works great but it must not be the heat treated type!

also have to keep it wet, hence recirculated DWC.

stay tuned ;)
Was lost in the wilderness of work and bills there for a bit but a quick update and some pics :woohoo:

So DE arrived, not exactly what I was after but should do the job 7-15mm


tank and DWC basket, you can't see at the moment but there is driftwood and a rock in there. I need to pick up a particle filter as this DE is much finer than the stuff I have used in the past


and finally, top feed recirculated basket, there will be a 8" bubbler below.


there will be a 60x40x60 tent on top with the bottom cut out and will be for vegging only. Bloom will see the top ring moved to a 1mx1mx2m tent that will still use the same water but allow me to feed some organic supplements

will update the op soon with some more detail when water clears and is ph'd and conditioned fully..

no fish yet! Weekend maybe!:baked:

6 large comets, 1 small one, 2 shibunkins and 3 catfish :)


still a bit cloudy, the DE dust is really fine, when I get my external bio filter should come up a treat! PH was 7.5 but the DE alone has it back to 6.0 gotta be happy with that!

Beans should arrive in the next few days.

To many fish to name lol, probably name them when they die and note their contribution to the grow haha!

we have beans!

1x Gorilla Glue
1x Girl Scout Cookies
1x LSD - 25
10x Sweet Seeds mix
and a bunch of freebies...

due to stealth shipping I have nfi which are which with the sweet seeds so I popped a random bean as a first attempt :muahaha:

time to get busy with tenting and lights, major update comming on the weekend :pimp:

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Awww a little baby girl.. swoon :)



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some better pics, day 8 inc germination of 4 days,

water at 22 degrees' and temp where plant is 27.

EC reading at 370ppm but the pen doesn't pick up all the organic nutes so have to go get my aquarium test kit, healthy looking little sucker but might have not put her deep enough in the cube.


and of course I just find out that I can't edit my OP.. Ah well, this is a mystery sweet seeds test grow anyhoo!
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