Indoor (R)DWC + LED + AF + DE + AP!

had to do water change, lifted princesses basket and was happy to see some pubes!!!

no pics today but at day 14, it's time to decide on feeding regime.

current EC is 650ppm
ph around 7
2x55w T5 24/0
temps 21 water, tent 24-28

I have gogo juice and iron chelate,

looking at 1/2 strength gogo juice watered over DE grow media every 3 days and a very small amount of iron chelate every month, might not even use it as the DE has a bit of iron available.

trying to find a good foliar spray to keep my aquarium healthy, the big ass bio filter is mad, doing a great job. But will be a problem if I introduce a bloom haha!

anyone have any good additives/sprays that may help me?



oh shit, time for an emergency water change!!

to much ammonia and nitrites! I think I am overstocked with fish!

lots of nitrates though so plenty of feed for my baby, just better make sure those fish don't die! Damn ph went up but is slowly coming down by itself. Princess is getting a new set of leaves everyday, still squat and short but looking very healthy :)

damnit! Bubbles has not been working! New electromagnetic 50L/m and a 8" disc airstone due tomorrow, currently bubbling with a cheap aquarium unit..

sheesh, maybe that is why she is a bt small :(

moving over to the sweet seeds section for this test grow, may pop a new bean soon to ensure I don't run out if this little girl doesn't lift her skirts in time!

happy growing peeps!