Does anyone know if heat stress looks like a slight case of nute burn. I have never had a problem with my led being so close even grow into the light but my tallest plant looked sweet leaves standing straight up still are but look like by harvest if it get any worse they'll be crispy
anyone who has possibly had issue like this I'm all ears

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It's hard to say from those pics, Milton. Maybe get some whole plant shots in natural light, and post them to the infirmary or live help.
This thread is more of a reference section.

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**** a truly weird manifestation here, not 100% sure it's P defc, but it fits the criteria well enough,... can't account for the colors, so trippy! -->

>>> Cool temp's can slow P uptake down, and can cause the classic purpling effect; seems to be unique to this specific situation... (of course, some strains are purple or turn purple as part of normal genetic expression regardless of temp's)...
This is awesome reference already love this site hehe
Can someone please tell me what's going on. This is my first grow. I'm growing in coco under 2 300 watt leds. It look like my leaf tips r drying out.

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Can someone please tell me what's going on. This is my first grow. I'm growing in coco under 2 300 watt leds. It look like my leaf tips r drying out.

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A little more info would help, but it looks to me like underfeeding. I see your doing Coco are you feeding with each water? And how often have you watered? Checking pH? PPM/TDS?

Current Diaries
Jingo grows zambeza white widow and supper silver haze
Jingo does Remo nutes, Dinafem white cheese and portal kracken.
Jingo grows Dinafem White Cheese, lumigrow pro 325, gh and remo nutes

Jingo's continuous cbd grow, lumigrow pro LED, GH nutrients in coco, with test results.
..wrong place for this mates,.. Jingo, I have him covered at Sick Bay already, thanks just the same! :smoking:
Found this while scouring the internet looking for an answer to my plant issues.
It wasn't helpful for me, however thought I would share it in case it is helpful to somebody one day :)

Copper Toxicity in a Hydro System.
@Waira Here is one for the record. When setting up a top off tank I did not have a plastic bulkhead handy so I used a brass one with a copper valve. I turns out that aerated nutrients in this tank leached too much copper and killed the seedlings - twice - before i figured it out. This is what it looks like:

copper tox1.jpg
copper tox2.jpg
copper tox3.jpg
Copper Toxicity in a Hydro System.
@Waira Here is one for the record. When setting up a top off tank I did not have a plastic bulkhead handy so I used a brass one with a copper valve. I turns out that aerated nutrients in this tank leached too much copper and killed the seedlings - twice - before i figured it out. This is what it looks like:
:d5: excellent! .... well, as an example at least, and for both the diagnosis and spotting the trouble source- :crying: - well done, sahhhhhh! :slap:
............ did you have a look at the suspect valve to see how badly corroded it was? That's an real eye opener MoG, the speed and amount of ionic Cu that was stripped off of it,... how long was it in before they started ailing? ...looking into it more, Cu can become rather toxic past those micronute-level req's! ----- :cheers: thanks mate, I'll get those pics into the Cu posting, it's classic, especially the bloating of the roots- :nono: fugly! (gotta check in on the Wild Thai results too!):eyebrows: