Amazing thread @Waira .
Thank you so much for taking the time out to do this.
I will be using this as a reference from now on when helping out the folks over on PPN.
:pass: Cheers bud! I thought you knew about it already! Right now, it's best used in combination with JM's Self-Diagnose thread, which is text heavy,... between the two, it covers the bases pretty well.. and never hesitate to bounce them over this way from PP's, since that's running on a minimal crew right now,...
:pass: Cheers bud! I thought you knew about it already! Right now, it's best used in combination with JM's Self-Diagnose thread, which is text heavy,... between the two, it covers the bases pretty well.. and never hesitate to bounce them over this way from PP's, since that's running on a minimal crew right now,...

Thank you Waira,
I have to say i knew about JMS which is the one i ahve used for reference in the past. Yours seem more up to date and easier to get through. Il be sure to use both from now on. And of course il send them this way as there is no better person on PPN and AFN than you for the job.


What causes this"
What causes this"
Well never been to this page before but I had no way to adjust my ph for like 2weeks when I got my ph up phours. Sickness had set in with cal/mag because I wad out of that for few weeks to. But two out of three plants the ph was usually low so I think it was locked out. I'm hoping but it's crazy one out of the three are sick and one shows no singns of any problems at all.
the last picture is the plant that's not sick.

--- Cheers Nabz', much appreciated mate! :pass:

>>> Milton, you still out there? sorry dude, this isn't the right thread for help request, and I missed it! Start a new one at the Infirmary , section just below this one,... and get me pics in normal light, I can't tell anything in LED light!
Hey thanks ill pull the two I have still going in my tent. But one I flushed the shit out of it tried to give some PK and one of the two is recovering but of course just the new growth. But it so amazing how one out of the three I started this grow with. I only have two left one that had gotten real sick and one whith out a spot on her. Ill post tonight. Thanks brothers and sister blades.

Does anyone know if heat stress looks like a slight case of nute burn. I have never had a problem with my led being so close even grow into the light but my tallest plant looked sweet leaves standing straight up still are but look like by harvest if it get any worse they'll be crispy
anyone who has possibly had issue like this I'm all ears

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