New Grower Questions and Answer time!

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Okay when an autoflower doesn't autoflower and you put it under 12/12 does it require that lighting like a photo after it begins to flower or can you put it back on 20/4, does it need some coaxing out or am I pretty much stuck with an auto sexing photo?

How long does it take on average to go through the different stages of trichome aging? From clear to cloudy and cloudy to amber how long does it usually take?

Thanks anyone and everyone for reading and responses. You all help more than you know.
I believe that once you get it to flower by giving it 12+ hours darkness then you can put it back on a regular schedule. I could be wrong, though. And the trichrome again is all depending.
well depends on the strain how long it takes....

autos typically if triggered will stay flowering... but you're safest to keep it in 12/12 if thats what it took to trigger... what strain?

usually in general... with autos... once they are in heavy flowering 2-4 weeks to start ambering.... typically... of course there are extremes lick samurai jack and short stuff like jems or any of your 65-70 days varieties... they tend to turn quicker...

Its always good to see other people ask questions thats the only way to learn....
Thanks for the responses, I was thinking the trichome aging was strain dependent, but I was just wondering a rough estimate for just a generalization. Like it usually takes x amount of days for strain y to go from cloudy to amber.. thanks jm, growdawgz, and squid.

The strain is Sagamartha's auto-white russian I have 5 of them that have not auto'd and are nearly as large as my photo plants in my grow thread. Their auto-ak48's have auto'd however..
I really appreciate you all helping me out, I am writing a mini-newbie guide and this helps and you all will be mentioned, you can of course opt out but it's for me and everyone to grow and learn. Thanks.
A question for you kill
How long have you been spraying your C.S treated plant before it started to show ball sacks?
Any updates on the C.S treated plant?

Couldn't you save the pollen then start another female plant and pollinate it then?
Hey realcarlos thanks for viewing,
I started spraying C.S. purchased from Amazon right on or around week 7, right after preflowers started to develop, with a daily 1- time spray @ inconsistent times due to absenteeism or the like from life and work. I should of started a little earlier, but my delivery had an unforeseen delay. For awhile, I thought it was never going to happen, then I started to spread and view under neath the foliage and started to see some bananas, I gave it three more daily sprays and the pictures were the results. I have some bananas pulled and cut sitting in a small tube drying out. It really started producing viable bananas about 5 days ago.

The C.S treated plant is in my grow journal and is the tall flowering plant shown. You can find the link at the bottom of this post. It's buds are significantly smaller than the other plant of the same breed, however, I do not know if this is due to energy being put in developing the bananas, or the C.S. causing hormone changes, fertilizers, or just being radically different in genetics and size than the other plant. I only treated one branch so I could harvest the rest of the plant. I am taking one branch that has produced bananas, taking its pollen, and pollinating the branch on the other side.,

The reason I am reluctant to wait for another plant is I currently do not have another seed of the same strain, I hate the risks involved with ordering seeds and this way I can avoid doing so. Even if I only get 3 viable seeds I will be happy, as I have plenty of other strains to go around currently that I am wanting to "grow out." Then I can do a bigger batch with a later plant. :D

I hope this answers your questions, if you have any more thoughts, q's, or comments.. please share. Thanks
Thanks for the detailed post!
I will have more questions later on:)
I need help, My plants are out of control vertically, even though I have pruned the very apex of the 3 phenos, they are still getting too tall, please somebody tell me what is the best pruning option to stop these from growing vertically for a while? I need help bad.. Thanks a lot.
hey i have not read through this thread but is lst an option? that would be my first thought. tie them down if you have the width less stress than pruning and depending on your setup could get more light into your plants and add yield