OLD REVIEWS Question on Seed Maturity (POLL)

Which set of seeds do you think is mature and viable?

  • Seeds 1

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • Seeds 2

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Both

    Votes: 3 60.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Mar 13, 2019
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Currently Smoking
Malana Bomb
So I got seeds I am personally not happy with, but I am new. So I am asking this of all of you!
What do you think?

There's really no way to tell without planting them. The best looking thick black speckled seeds can be bunk and sickly split ones can give you great plants. These look fine to me at a glance.
There's really no way to tell without planting them. The best looking thick black speckled seeds can be bunk and sickly split ones can give you great plants. These look fine to me at a glance.
I am asking, because the guy who helped me get started in all this, informed me green and white seeds are not mature and a real shot in the dark to even get it to germinate. So that is why I am asking and put the poll up. Also these seeds were ordered not gifted or bag seed etc, and both came from the same place.
I’m gonna chime in on this one.
The tiger stripes do not always stay on mature seeds. It’s a thin membrane that most of the time comes off with the shucking process not to mention guys that use seed counters and sorters to harvest the seeds.

I have seen on different varieties that some tiger stripe and some do not at all. They have a tan color to them when done. Maturity can not be determined through visual means. Either a crush test or germination will tell.

Most breeders germ test their stock too or at least they should. I will say that in the second pic I see one maybe two that wouldn’t pass the crush test. All the rest look great to me.

I have had some tiny seeds that grow up to be rather potent big plants so at this point your putting the cart before the horse.

Germ them
I’m gonna chime in on this one.
The tiger stripes do not always stay on mature seeds. It’s a thin membrane that most of the time comes off with the shucking process not to mention guys that use seed counters and sorters to harvest the seeds.

I have seen on different varieties that some tiger stripe and some do not at all. They have a tan color to them when done. Maturity can not be determined through visual means. Either a crush test or germination will tell.

Most breeders germ test their stock too or at least they should. I will say that in the second pic I see one maybe two that wouldn’t pass the crush test. All the rest look great to me.

I have had some tiny seeds that grow up to be rather potent big plants so at this point your putting the cart before the horse.

Germ them
@FullDuplex Thanks, you guys are making me feel better somewhat, cause I was really PO'd when I checked them out when they arrived. I will say this much I did an easy squeeze on a seed and it turned to mush and that really irked me due to the amount I paid for a 7 strain deal and all but 4-6 seeds came looking white and green out of 70 seeds.
Dax, I too have bred thousands of seeds and the tiger stripes dont mean much. Your seeds look fine to me!

It wasn't just the stripes. but the being green and white, like I stated above. I was told to try to squeeze one between two finger to see if it was hard, the one I tried smushed. So I was really irked that they are almost all green/white except for a few tan/ browns. The other seeds (PIC1) are all dark brown and hard. So I was very unsure of the others, but like i said I am very new and my knowledge is very limited in all of this. My friend out west told me if a seedbank is selling green/white seeds that can be smushed they are selling unmatured seeds. Being that I just paid 120 for a 7 strain set, I was upset at the entire bunch looking like the one I tried with very few tan/brown seeds.
okay tested every seed, 9 smushed super easy out of 70. 3 more look very white(ish) and the rest a light to dark green color, but I held onto them just to see if they will germ when I am ready, so for now I put the matter to rest, talked to over a doz peeps on here and more than half said the green/white should be okay, I don't personally agree, because I was told otherwise by a very close friend on the west coast of 30 yrs. that mature seeds should be tan/dark brown in color. But, I am going with the consensus that you all know way more than I do, on such matters. So I kept the seeds, bank replaced a full pack for the 9 soft, so overall I am almost indifferent on the whole thing until I am ready to grow and then we will see and I will update in the months ahead.