Indoor Qbgrowers perpetual grow in a 4x4 with 480w of Quantum Boards

Yep! It’s out of stock now, on its way to QB!
It will be kept safe until i research and practice keeping a bonsai mother using another seed.

Thanks again.
Happy 420! My favorite holiday! Enjoy folks!
Hope everyone had a great 420.

Day 8

Today is transplant day! Had to wait for a couple of things to arrive in the post so a day late but better late than never.

Girlfriend has named one Pinky (right) and the other Brain (left)

Pinky is showing a couple of spots on her leaves and is a bit droopy.

Brain on the other hand is loving life in her new 15l pot.

Each 15l pot with Biobizz light mix soil prepped with:-

4 tablespoons Startrex
3 teaspoons Mycotrex
75 grams Silicium Flash

Both planting holes were sprinkled with 2 teaspoons of Mycotrex and 2 biotabs pushed in 10cm deep and watered in with 1 teaspoon of Bactrex and 2ml Orgatrex in 1 litre of water.

Pinky has an airdome in the base of her pot so I added a little bit of perlite to the soil mix.

Having trouble raising the humidity in the drobe. May need to buy a humidifier. Any recommendations?


Hi folks. Hope everyone is safe and well.

Back with a other update.

Day 11

This morning I mixed up 3ml of orgatrex 1.5l of plain water and watered each plant with 750ml.

Perky is absolutely loving life and growing like a champ.


Brain is squat and has what I reckon is a bit of leaf burn from a few splashes on the first watering. (clumsy bastard). She is still growing well and no obvious signs of problems in new growth.




All in all i am very happy with how they are both chugging along. Its amazing what happens and the problems you avoid by actually following the biotabs instructions

Hi folks. Hope everyone is safe and well.

Back with a other update.

Day 11

This morning I mixed up 3ml of orgatrex 1.5l of plain water and watered each plant with 750ml.

Perky is absolutely loving life and growing like a champ.


Brain is squat and has what I reckon is a bit of leaf burn from a few splashes on the first watering. (clumsy bastard). She is still growing well and no obvious signs of problems in new growth.




All in all i am very happy with how they are both chugging along. Its amazing what happens and the problems you avoid by actually following the biotabs instructions

Looking good bud I'm getting more and more excited you did a great job with that Hi Jack from auto seeds I can't wait to see these.
Cheers @Fitzy

I'm excited too. I have hopefully got the soil mix right and as long as I don't mess up the topping and training over the next week or 2 I have high hopes of some quality buds! Itll be the first time I'll have been able to choose between 2 quality strains at home too.

Day 17

Fed both with 500ml of water with 0.5ml of orgatrex yesterday. RH is sitting around 50 - 55Rh and temps between 25c to 27c. Light still on 24/0 but may decrease this down to 20/4 slowly but not decided yet.

Brain is progressing slowly, undecided whether I will top her. Unsure what is any different than her sister but I will stick with her and see how she goes. Autopot will be switched on at day 20 and Pinkys airdome will be switched on around the same time.


Pinky is growing really well and will be topped later today at the 5th node. Serrated leaves are really evident. Canooeing and what looks like calmag def is limited to the bottom leaves and hasnt progressed anymore. Just noticed today that the main stem has bent over possibly due to explosive growth and the soil within the cup drying quicker than the rest.


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