New Grower Qb135w V2 DR60 HSO Blue Dream Auto


Cultivators Club
Aug 30, 2018
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Autoseeds - HiJack and Dreamberry. HSO - Sour Diesel
Hi folks.

New to the site and looking to learn as much as I can.

My setup is:-
HLG Quantum Board 135w V2
DR60 60x60x160
100mm ruck and rhino pro filter
HSO Blue Dream Auto
Plant Magic soil
Plant Magic oldtmers grow and bloom
Plastic party cups to start
16l smart pots to finish.

Planning to start them in the next week.

I have a few questions:-

As I don't have much headspace I plan to scrog, how many plants would you recommend to fill the space?

When would you start to train through the net and what height would you set it?

And would you recommend topping?

Thanks in advance.

hi and :welcome: @Qbgrower
been lurking for some time or first day here ? :CSR: im archie :footy:your butlins blue coat hi de high site rep :paleo:a few things well worth a read.

Site Terms Of Use
regardless if you read them or not,you have agreed to abide by them,so best cast your eye over takes 2 mins,in short no religion polictics and dont be a knob :shooty:

New Member Intros
why not do an intro,tell us something about yourself your grow or your ferret :shrug:
Live Stoner Gossip bit lost or stuck,got a question ? a cuppa tea getting cold and a rocket to burn ?:coffee::smokeout:
some Guides and Tutorials:laptop:
start a journal in the new growers section :watering:

follow along with Ash-A-Ton from seed to jar thread :smokeit:

1 maybe 2 plants
not the shortest of tents,if the plant dont get big no need to train at idea about strogging heights and whatnot as i never done it,same with topping.well accidents happen and all that.

anything else just ask away or @ me
good luck n keep er lit
Thanks Archie! I have grown in this tent a few years ago with a 250w hps and managed to get 3 autos in with no training probably would've been fine with 4. They got a bit too close to the light though hence me thinking about doing a scrog. I also plan to do some silver bubble photos next time and will definitely need to scrog those so trying to get some learning in with this grow.

Does any one have links to any quantum board 135w diaries? Struggling to find any.

Thanks for stopping by. Should get a lot more exciting in the next week.

Hi folks.

New to the site and looking to learn as much as I can.

I have a few questions:-

As I don't have much headspace I plan to scrog, how many plants would you recommend to fill the space?

When would you start to train through the net and what height would you set it?

And would you recommend topping?

Does any one have links to any quantum board 135w diaries? Struggling to find any.

Thanks for stopping by. Should get a lot more exciting in the next week.


Welcome home Qb

If you want to know more on quantum boards search for @pop22 He has a sweet quantum light.

That is a small square, maybe 3 if it was me. Some may do 4 plants in that square, if I did that I would go with smaller pots. As for height, you will be pretty limited, a dimmer on that quantum would help a lot. I might suggest trying 1 or two to get the feel of it before stuffing the room.

Hope that helps. It's my 2cents.

Party On.
In a tent that small, run just one plant. The Blue Dream auto can get some size to her! In fact, I have 2 in a 4'x'4 tent (120c120 cm ) and its about perfect. Scrogged properly, you may get a great yeild. A true scog means you train 1 plant to fit below the screen and train the branches by weaving them through the screen so that only the buds grow vertically.
Your light should work very well in a tent that small. with a good grow you may see 1gpw or better!

here are my Blue Dream in auto pots, pic is not the greatest but you get the idea. I did defoliate a bit but you wouldn't know to look at them lol!

Blue Dream pic1 -9-1-2018.JPG
Thanks for the advice! The light has a dimmable driver. My plan is to veg at 65w then gradually bump it up to 135w around week 5 or 6 for flowering.

@pop22 What quantum board do you use? Also for scrogging I was thinking 2 plants mainly incase I mess up one.

Do you top? I've read topping at node 4 is best?

And finally do you have links to your qb diaries?

The qb135 will rock that space! If you were growing small plants, like 24 carrot or green crack you could probably do 3 - 5 . With BD I’d only grow 1 , as seen above they can get big . With a limited space like that I’d grow different strains of small plants , simply because I like diversity of smoke between grows !
Hi folks! Sorry about the delay in starting this diary, other things took priority but now it's all systems go!

11/10/18 - Popped 1 HSO Blue Dream auto in a glass of water that had been left out for 24 hours and placed in airing cupboard.

12/10/18 - After 24 hours in the water the seed sank to the bottom of the glass with a tap. Transferred to damp paper towels between 2 plates and back into airing cupboard.

Cut large windows out of the middle of plastic cup to make transplanting as stress free as possible and placed in another cup. Filled with Plant Magic soil and soil was prewet and left in the airing cupboard for 24 hours.

13/10/18 - Checked seed this morning and there is a taproot :woody:.
Transferred to soil and gave the top of the soil a little mist and placed back in the airing cupboard.

Will check again tonight or tomorrow morning for signs of life.

Can't wait to try out this quantum board.
Thanks for all your advice so far! I'm sure I'll be needing more soon!

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We have life!!

14/10/18 - We'll call today day 1. Checked this morning and there was a little head poking up from the soil. Really impressed with how quick she has started. Let the fun begin!

Set up the tent and realised that there were no hangers for the quantum board so had to use the old 125w envirolite until I find a way to hang the qb. I'm sure I've got a couple of ratchet hangers around here somewhere...


@pop22 Any suggestions on ways to hang the qb?

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So today is day 6 and everything seems to be going well. 2nd node is in the process of growing and I've solved the qb hanging problem and I'll get it hung up some time next week.

At the moment she is under a 125w blue cfl about an inch or so away. Only using plain water from a spray bottle a couple of times a day and she seems to be loving it.

LIGHTS - 24/7
RH - 55%
TEMP - 26c


Hope some people pop in for a chat and some advice. It's getting a bit lonely in here...
