I can’t for the life of me to get these pics to not come out sideways! Anyway... there’s still not much going on hopefully they’ll take off here in the next week or so. I did have some sort of white mold on the top of the soil but my temps are ok 80 to 86and the humidity is ok 40 to 50. I did some searching and most of the info I found said it was probably harmless but anytime I see mold it makes me paranoid. So if anyone has experience with white mold let me know what ya think.
It’s day 20 now and amnesia x od has taken the early lead as expected but the others are moving along well, Sour crinkle seems a little slow but still progressing. I gave them their first feed a couple days ago I gave them all 1mil of grow big a tsp of molasses and a tsp of oragonismXl.
Also i recently saw a another poster on here talking about free samples from roots organics so I checked it out and I got these samples to test only 8.00 for shipping I thought it was a really good deal.
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