Indoor Psirens

Thx man, Im humbled.
Im equally glad to be here with you guys.
The community here is great :)
I have some PAKs and S60s going now but nothing interesting yet they just showed sex a week ago.

I will be starting the 100 or so Psirens in about 10-14 days.
Goodluck on your phenos, hope you get some nice autos.

fantastic :booya: cant wait to watch them either.
and i have to agree the community here is a good one
everyone here for the love of the AF :thumbs:

I too have some PAK going and a few others
ill have to get some threads up ive been slacking lately.

cant wait to see what your psirens turn out to be.
Karma sent for them
ok MrMc here are the best looking Psirens of the lot
they look like they may not be auto but none the less beautiful
looking plants. They are pretty similiar at this time, but im still excited to
see what they do in flower!

Here is a shot for you.
