Old Reviews Promix hp

I get my big bale(3.8 cubic feet) for $39. It lasts me a good long while as I add xtra perlite and don't grow farms of ganja. My guy said something similar. Waiting on the one pallet they'll get this Season. I will be ok till Winter most likely, but am considering getting one to store just in case. Will they store well for a year or more,Muddy? Obviously, kept in good conditions I know that. And I know that Myco isn't 'activated' until wet. :D
As long as it's not opened it should be fine. I believe they recommend using it within 6 months once it's opened. Yes, myco doesn't become active till water has been added and there's something for it to feed on.
I live so rural that I have to mail order my soils at times.Nice info. on the soil,Thanks!Nice question,I like to understand things on more of a micro level.And with this info. now I am able to research these very things within the soil(s) I looking at.:booya:
I cant find Promix anywhere close to where I live the lowe's here doesn't carry it and I'm not sure what other soil they have that would do about the same job. I need help bad have considered ordering online but shipping is almost double the price of the Promix itself.

@Muddy if you know of another soil I could use outdoors that would be similar to the Promix I would appreciate the help.(Or anyone else with some info):group:
Check here to see if there's a Pro Mix distributor near you. http://www.pthorticulture.com/en/peat-moss-distributors/.

If not, check the hydro stores for Sunshine #4. Local nurseries and green houses might also have it. I also saw a Bonnie Potting Soil at both Lowes and Ace that looked pretty good. About the same as Pro Mix but no myco, which is easy to add yourself.
Hey Muddy thanks bro for the info I went to the 2 lowes that are close to me and they didn't have the Bonnie plants soil you talked about the only thing I saw was Miracle Grow, Sta-Green the only problem is the everyone I saw is they all have slow release ferts on them and I really don't think they will work.

Do you have any idea what I would need to make my own pro-mix or any other ideas on a soil I could use. Thank you
No, you don't want to use any of those. You would probably have better luck at a garden center, nursery or greenhouse supply store. They are more likely to carry the better products we all prefer. I've seen the Bonnie at Ace as well.

The basics are sphagnum peat moss, perlite, and lime, all things that are available at Lowes. If you want to mix your own, there are some good recipes in the Organics forum.
Hey thanks once again Muddy you da man and yeah I have been thinking about just mixing my own but I would like to keep it close to the promix since so many use it with great success.:group::five:
You're welcome. If you want to do that Jay, then you can pick up almost everything at Lowes. Sometimes they only have the MG perlite, which contains nutes. That should be well washed before using, so best to find a different brand. Again, check the garden centers and nurseries. Pro Mix also contains myco, which I doubt your find locally, so will probably need to order that off the net. 75 - 80% sphagnum peat moss, 20 - 25% perlite, lime and myco and you've got the Pro Mix, minus the starter nutes.
there is a new pro mix on the market or about to be on the market.

pro mix hp CC (chunk coir) with mycos