Old Reviews Promix hp

The HP mix is made up of Canadian Sphagnum Peat Moss, Perlite, Dolomitic & Calcitic Limestone, and Wetting Agent.
It's also available with either Mycorise or a biofungacide.


Didn't know they made that many. My ACE in town carries the plain Premier Peat bales. But it's easier to get the BX for me with all the added stuff. I never see HP around or any of the others.

That Promix HP CC Myco sounds badass though. Added coir(coco I guess) for extra airyness and lightness. Sounds great. :D

Promix HP
Canadian Sphagnum Peat Moss
(65-75% by volume)
Perlite - horticultural grade
Dolomitic and Calcitic limestone
(pH adjuster)
Wetting Agent
Mycorrhizae – endomycorrhizal innoculum
(Glomus intraradices)
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They also have a new retail line that is offering a variety of other products. While at the supply house buying some Pro Mix on Friday I asked about the retail line. They are being handled through a different distribution network and my supplier won't be carrying those. We've had a few people find them at both Ace and Lowes.
They also have a new retail line that is offering a variety of other products. While at the supply house buying some Pro Mix on Friday I asked about the retail line. They are being handled through a different distribution network and my supplier won't be carrying those. We've had a few people find them at both Ace and Lowes.

Lowes carries promix hp with mycorrizae,2.2cubic ft for thirty bucks.They also carry fafard peat bail 3.0 cubic ft for $ 9.97.I can add mycorrizae and perlite with a little lime and make my own for a third the promix price.I can also get promix ult organic for around seven bucks for 1cubic footthat has everything in it,and I have used this with good results.I get this at menards and they are already stocked with the summer grow products.
Jeez, that's expensive. I paid $14 for the same size bag at my distributor on Friday. I can get the compressed 3.8 cu. ft. bale for $32 when they are in stock. Not every Lowes or Ace carries Pro Mix. None of the ones here in my area do.

I took a look at Fafard while I was there. Yes, about the same without the myco and lime. I also looked at the Bonnie Potting Soil. 85% sphagnum peat, 15% perlite and dolomite lime. Bascially the same as Pro Mix BX without the myco. I didn't get a price but I know it's cheaper. It's also available at Lowes and Ace.

Lowes carries promix hp with mycorrizae,2.2cubic ft for thirty bucks.They also carry fafard peat bail 3.0 cubic ft for $ 9.97.I can add mycorrizae and perlite with a little lime and make my own for a third the promix price.I can also get promix ult organic for around seven bucks for 1cubic footthat has everything in it,and I have used this with good results.I get this at menards and they are already stocked with the summer grow products.

HP is pretty pro, my Lowe's doesn't offer it. :( I've tried to get it to come up on their site several times and it won't. My brother works there, going to text him the item # and ask if they carry it.

EDIT: @Muddy: I pay $38 a bale and if I'm not mistaken I'm a state over from ya.. there's only one place here in the mountains that sells it though, so I feel like they're running a monopoly on it.. there's a knock-off promix available at a nursery for $12 for 2.2CU ft but the success with promix is unmatched, I figure spend the extra bucks and reap the rewards later. There's always a cheaper and easier way to do things, but ProMix is almost like "predialed" media..
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Where you are, I'm pretty sure your guy is getting it from the same distributor I use. He covers that area. So you're likely to run into the same issues I am with getting it due to the peat moss shortage. Being out of Canada, Premier is competing with the US manufacturers, and doesn't seem to have the best distribution in the US. Lots of areas can't get it at all.


HP is pretty pro, my Lowe's doesn't offer it. :( I've tried to get it to come up on their site several times and it won't. My brother works there, going to text him the item # and ask if they carry it.

EDIT: @Muddy: I pay $38 a bale and if I'm not mistaken I'm a state over from ya.. there's only one place here in the mountains that sells it though, so I feel like they're running a monopoly on it.. there's a knock-off promix available at a nursery for $12 for 2.2CU ft but the success with promix is unmatched, I figure spend the extra bucks and reap the rewards later. There's always a cheaper and easier way to do things, but ProMix is almost like "predialed" media..
Explains quite a bit - I've noticed a clear difference in the "quality" of peat moss as well. The cheaper mixed or the 1.8CU ft bag of sphagnum I can get at Lowe's have an "oily" feeling to them, as if they're not 100% dry or something.

My brother said our local lowes does not carry the ProMix.. it's funny you mention the shortage because my feed and seed center made it clear to me they were only receiving ONE pallet of ProMix BX this season and to stock up. I could only afford 1 bale for now, hoping for another bale to be there in a couple weeks.