Indoor Prez2.0 winter grow show

Prez, there are no words that can make this better. Stay strong for your wife brother!!! We are all thinking about you and your family! I hope that you and yours can still have a Merry Christmas!
Watered all the girls, cream mandarine. Green poison. And sweet special got first feeding. Farmer's pride organic grow solution at 6ml to a gallon ratio. All plants got 4ml to gallon of the micro formula they make. Also raised lights again... These girls just don't wanna stretch
No signs of issues with first feeding. Just realized thou I lost my calmag supplement gotta get new one
:karma Cloud: :hug:
Sorry I'm behind on updates all. Plants doing well they are just going to be short bunch. We had family in town so haven't been on much. And now my 10 month old has mystery illness... One trip to er one to doc office. Its not flu but her fever won't go away, waiting for blood test results. Im kinda freaking out. She's such a Lil angel and I can't help her. Not knowing why she's burning up making it worse.
Has she had any vaccines lately? Or rather how many has she had? Our thoughts and positive karma headed your way my friend. Just awful.
my thought's and karma:karma Cloud: go out to you and your family:hug:hope 2015 works a little better for you prez:hug::Sharing One:

hoping the apple of your eye is feeling better!:peace:
Happy new years from the hospital, my Lil one has an infected cyst in her belly. Staying over night to do antibiotics to try and shrink it. Still might need minor surgery. But at least we know the cause now. Hope you all have an amazing year. Im looking forward to 2015. Today is also 10yr anniversary of night I met my wife. Sucks to spend it in hospital together. But we're together. All that counts ;)