New Grower Praying I don't mess up my 1st grow

With led, I don't water for at least the first 5 days, but I do gently mist the top soil, not the sprout, for about 3 days. I wait until the pot feels light as a feather, and dry about 2" down
Welcome to AFN my friend glad you are here :welcome:

Do you have airflow and extraction sorted,it would be so much easier to control in a tent.also if you have cold stone floors make sure your pots are are not in direct contact with it
i am subbed up for your grow,ask any questions you want,no question is to stupid just ask away
Good luck bro :goodluck:

Yep, a tent will help keep the smell in too.. They do get a bit stinky... [emoji87]
Hi Itisi. I'm kinda limited as far as where I can grow. I'm in a back room in my basement and that's the only area of my house where my kids won't go. I told them it's full of spiders, mice, and ghosts.:vibe: The ceiling is 7' high though so I may have to invest in a cheap tent.

Why not make up some reflective screens, that way it will allow for expansion (I guarantee you that you will want to expand!)
I was thinking about just using some big cardboard boxes with those things people use on their dashboards to keep sun outta the car. I know....pretty basic, but if that would help things I'd give it a try. I'll be able to buy a tent after my kids school shopping is finished, but I wonder if that idea would work in the meantime.
I was thinking about just using some big cardboard boxes with those things people use on their dashboards to keep sun outta the car. I know....pretty basic, but if that would help things I'd give it a try. I'll be able to buy a tent after my kids school shopping is finished, but I wonder if that idea would work in the meantime.

That will totally work I know folks who use the reflective mylar emergency blankets too they work great
Whatever you have .

Just be wary of anything flammable. You will need to add fans an d more powerful lights at some point, stuff can get blown onto the lights.

Some cheap board, painted white. Some kitchen foil hung from coat hangers. Anything to thrown the light back at the plants.
I was thinking about just using some big cardboard boxes with those things people use on their dashboards to keep sun outta the car. I know....pretty basic, but if that would help things I'd give it a try. I'll be able to buy a tent after my kids school shopping is finished, but I wonder if that idea would work in the meantime.
Card box with aluminum foil?

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Card box with aluminum foil?

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I'm a supervisor at a warehouse so I have access to many huge boxes similar to the ones refrigerators come in. Like these
