New Grower Praying I don't mess up my 1st grow

Morning Mr


That's a big space for the lights you have.

You may be wasting a lot of light.
Hi Itisi. I'm kinda limited as far as where I can grow. I'm in a back room in my basement and that's the only area of my house where my kids won't go. I told them it's full of spiders, mice, and ghosts.:vibe: The ceiling is 7' high though so I may have to invest in a cheap tent.
Welcome to AFN my friend glad you are here :welcome:

Do you have airflow and extraction sorted,it would be so much easier to control in a tent.also if you have cold stone floors make sure your pots are are not in direct contact with it
i am subbed up for your grow,ask any questions you want,no question is to stupid just ask away
Good luck bro :goodluck:
Well my 1st baby (Deep Blue) poked through some time during the night ! :) How far should I keep the CFL's and should I just be lightly misting around it at this point?
Grow 028.jpg
Grow 030.jpg
Well my 1st baby (Deep Blue) poked through some time during the night ! :) How far should I keep the CFL's and should I just be lightly misting around it at this point?View attachment 607747 View attachment 607748
No idea about cfls bro.but if i can give you the most important piece of advise as a new grower DO NOT OVERWATER.they only need about 50ml of water then let the soil dry out(1/2 days maybe) so the roots shoot down to find water,this is the biggest mistake new growers make thinking that your plants need more water but in reality less=more growth because more roots are branching out to find water