New Grower Potential New Grower

  • Thread starter Thread starter bl4ckj4ck
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Hello all !:jump:
Currently I live at home with my parents purchasing 1/8 oz & 1/4 oz bags at $60 & $120 respectively to keep the seclusion. Considering the fact that they are a big part of my financial support, I am working on moving out this Jan 2013 to go back to school and actually finish my degree. On that note I did a few minor calculations and talked to a few buddies well along in there projects and i decided to try it out and see if I have the talent to raise a young girl into a beautiful yield of delicious meds! I only came to this conclusion due to the fact of over a year spending close to $2500 so i can smoke 1 time a day i could spend the same money and grow... well enough to take breaks from the whole process for a bit while i focus on making it in the current economy. I've been a smoker for 3 years heavy... (sheltered child hood) and i have surpassed all of my friends who have put me on to the cause. no one i know is as dedicated to keep the plants in their lives as i am.

So enough back ground info. I decided to join this forum because it seemed extremely informative. I was tired of getting half truths and myths from my friends. I've read 3 books on growing but because of the different types and methods of growing they generalized a lot and i think its time for a peer edit.
My plans for my first grow is going to be.
-approx. 2x2 sq/ft grow space (closet or some kind of DIY grow area)
-2 autoflowers
-1 35w CFL for seedling stage
-2 35w CFL for beginning veg

-then i plan to switch to a stronger lamp and use the 2 35w for supplements
and here is my first pinch i run into. HPS or HID
due to the fact im young and trying to do this on a college budget cheap is the best thing. later down the line i can afford alot more im sure. but for the first setup its going to have to stay cheap and it cant cause too much elect bill.
so i understand that HPS lights wud be good in this particular case. they are good for late veg and flowering and they use electricity in a more economical matter and HID i would need something to help vent the heat.

i already planned to make a vent system using a cool air intake/ hot air exhaust. and line the exhaust pipe with carbon and charcoal deodorizers and out a window
to help with smell.
as for nutes... still a toss up on that also
i know the more premium tools and equip you use the better your yield.
so i was thinking of hand mixing my soil because of the farm area i live in obtaining organic nutes isn't hard. i was slightly confused on how to actually administer the organic nutes. do i just replant at certain intervals? or can i mix my own soil and still use chem nutes? after i start these plants maybe a month later i wanted to start my first photo period strain. i figured the easiest plant and shortest time frame to yield is with autos. but the better yields and cloning and other great things come with sativa and indicas. this way i can teach my self on the first ones and really start trying to master from the second and third batches

this again is a plan to be executed in jan 2013 so if you respond to help please keep that in mind. i have plenty of time to plan for this build of grow room and first grow so all input is needed/welcomed
happy smoking:toke: and thanks ahead for an advice:peace:

Nice to meet you dude and good look with your grow may i suggest a few things

Firstly you said you wanted to grow 2 autos but you said about using 2 x 35w CFLs its recomended around 100w per plant for good performances..
Secondly HPS is what i would go for they still cost more than CFLs to run ive just pulled 72g from one plant under CFLs

Rather than trying to make your own soil recipe there are plenty of proven ones on here i suggest you use one of thos for your first grow or a lightmix soil....

Just my oppinion dude good luck if there anything i can do just holla :peace: Si
we should move your thread to the new growers will get the proper attention there ...ok?
you will find a wide choice in lighting used here...cfl' florescents t5,t8,t12....then the HO(high output) versions of the t5 and t8...then Led lighting ...and the trusty old HID (high intensity discharge) which includes the Metal Halide (blue ) the High Pressure Sodium (red) and the Mercury Vapor.
all have their advantages and dis-advantages,but all will produce usable buds.
there is some great reading in the new growers forum stickies....take a cruise around in there while we get your thread moved over.
see you soon...enjoy!!
I appreciate the quick response.
I think what I am looking for is the cheapest option available therefore i might just stick with the CFLs for the first grow. When i said 2 x 35w i should have clarified. 35w cfl is equivalent to about 140w regular. my idea of using only CFLs is to just use one for the beginning then add more lights the older it gets.

a lil faded right now so i hope it makes since what i am trying to say. but the first grow is going to be more of a trial to get my feet wet a bit. according to school house rock knowledge is power; im not expecting the best yield but rather a considerable amount of knowledge so that my second grow is a lot smoother. also because of the relocation cash is going to be tight. so thats another reason it has to stay cheap cheap cheap. and during the first cheap grow i want to shop for better equipment so that by the time im ready to start my second grow ill already have experience and then ill have the equipment.

i was looking online today at bulbs because my job actually orders 330w HIDs for the store lights. First thot was wow.. Ill never have to buy a bulb :-) but then my conscience got the best and i thot about how bad it wud be to get fired for stealing bulbs from work and then it got me thinking to do a bit more research. I think once i get a little bit more exp. under my belt I will look into using HIDs for the veg stage and HPS for the flowering.
as for the soil. i will use a solution on here or stick with the light mix to save money for that second go-around.

i do not mean to battle you about your opinion i really appreciate the advice
sounds like you have a solid plan going in..
Hey bl4ckj4ck, welcome to AFN :smokebuds:

If you're going to go with CFL's for your grow, I would recommend having a read through the grow journals of member Noods:

He's a master CFL grower and pumps out Grade A meds every grow! :smokeit:

Cheers :smokebuds: