Dragon Meds Portal Automix...Let the indoor LED wars begin!54"X20X34" microgrow

Okay gentlemen! One last post(well except for weights...) I ended up cutting the last bloodstone tonight. One of the finest smells ever on this small girl(smells fingers) Certainly a fruit smell...but with almost a Swedish berry smell to her as well...smells fantastic, the highlight of the stealth cab for this winter or sure. Density is good on the upper main bud, but only midgrade on the side branches. I wont expect much of a yield from her, hoping for 1.5, but I think 1 1/4oz is more realistic. But talk about loads of crystal, beauty!


Thanks for the comments guys!
Smoked a tester of the last cut bloodstone and she tastes as perfect as she smells! Really sweet fruity candied taste. Still waiting for the bigger stuff to dry a day maybe 2 before hitting the jars. I will get on doing smoke grow reports soon. Weight is in on the tall bloodstone. Only got 34g's off her, but wow is it a fantastic smoke. Expect around the same off the second bloodstone. Pretty good for the limited space they used up. I want to run an 8 pot setup next season with moonstones, bloodstones and Stone dragons. I think that type of setup would maximize yield. I'd make custom post to fill the floor space perfectly(pots would be just over 2 gallons I figure)
Skell those buds look beautiful man! The bloodstone seems like a pretty awesome strain

Thanks man! There is something to be said about the power of LED lighting, even cheap LED's! Super happy with all of the strains I grew out this inter, but bloodstone and moonstone are the highlights for me. Cant wait to start up some stone dragon, double dragon and amnesia stone to try out next...however this cab is out of production until October.(too busy with outdoor canna)
OH how did I forget?(right...never mind...lol) Final Weight is in on the last chop. The second bloodstone weighed a little better than the first, she is in at 43g's, so an ounce and a half. Sweet deal for such a tiny plant.
Yep I can see myself putting a crew of 8 in custom pots next season to be grown stacked SoG style. SO moonstones, stone dragons, bloodstones. I bet I will yank 1.5z's on the average, which would make for an excellent yield out of the cab(3/4lb every 70 days hell yes!). Still shy of a gram per watt though, but will be a grand success in my eyes! :D
Have you grown the amnesia stone 99??? Just got those???with some others..you grow some good looking buds.wondering how you mite of made out...also you do alot of outside too....anyways made some of my own dragon seeds and some of the plants outside are tore up from bugs and some not even touched....in some seed descriptions it will say stuff like good against pest n mold..did i create some plants with a defense against bugs and some with none....long weekend crazy question i mite not be asking right.lol..anyways got lots of portal gear waiting to go and hope mine are as tasty.i grew sd reg and it was pretty big for a gal pot..now im rambling.good day sir.
Have you grown the amnesia stone 99??? Just got those???with some others..you grow some good looking buds.wondering how you mite of made out...also you do alot of outside too....anyways made some of my own dragon seeds and some of the plants outside are tore up from bugs and some not even touched....in some seed descriptions it will say stuff like good against pest n mold..did i create some plants with a defense against bugs and some with none....long weekend crazy question i mite not be asking right.lol..anyways got lots of portal gear waiting to go and hope mine are as tasty.i grew sd reg and it was pretty big for a gal pot..now im rambling.good day sir.

Hey...I haven't grown out the Amnesia Stone, or the Amnesia Stone 99 yet, but I do have a pack of both, when space allows they will be in the dirt. Right now I am testing small numbers of the portal strains to find the ones that are ideal for me. Haven't got a chance to grow any of the portal strains outdoors yet either, and I am already stacked with others strains this summer, to try any. Hard to say on the bug question, but do know that different plants from the same strain, must "taste" better to different bugs. Some strains must taste bad generally, as some strains I find are not touched by leafhoppers and slugs. If the parent plants are very poor tasting, then there is a good chance children plants will also be left alone.