Dragon Meds Portal Automix...Let the indoor LED wars begin!54"X20X34" microgrow

I was thinking about the next addition to have both UV and IR spectrum. Apparently the UV makes heavy resin production. Only one I found so far is dirt genius for around $190 shipped. I know @Hal 8999 uses the Dirt Genius and hopefully he can awnser a question. The DG has high output chips runnin at 180w. Does the light burn noticeably warmer than other lights in the same wattage? (ive a mars 180 and am wondering about heat vs that unit) Have you pushed the limits on how close the plants can get to the light? If so how much? Thanks man
Did you look on Ebay for the Dirt Genius brand? A seller that goes by VMInnovations sells them for $125 US. They are actually about a 100 watt light. They use 62 3 watt diodes. They run cool as can be. I have had buds two inches away and be fine. I actually had a grow pressed against them by the finish and did not burn much at all. I am thinking about replacing all my leds with DGs. They are so powerful and efficient. Each one should be able to handle two autos.
Did you look on Ebay for the Dirt Genius brand? A seller that goes by VMInnovations sells them for $125 US. They are actually about a 100 watt light. They use 62 3 watt diodes. They run cool as can be. I have had buds two inches away and be fine. I actually had a grow pressed against them by the finish and did not burn much at all. I am thinking about replacing all my leds with DGs. They are so powerful and efficient. Each one should be able to handle two autos.

That's where I found them. $125 + 15ship+$20 imports fees to Cannada = $190(cannadian $) Hmm given the lower wattage(should have noticed that) though I might just stick with LEDlightseller (140w real draw with IR but no UV, but $130 cannadian shipped)
You should try the DG. They out perform my Apollo Horticulture 400 with IR. That thing makes some heat too. The DG is like a GrowNorthern or something, do not let the low power draw fool you. I think my AP 600 that draws 350 can just barely out do the DG. It runs over three times the watts to do that tho. Ask my friend Robolando how well the DG has done. I got him to add one between two Vipar 600. He told me it was like a blizzard had come through. I have him tilt it back and forth to get all the plants around it hashy.
They are also the most solidly built led I have seen. Thing is made of fairly thick rolled steel and has a huge heat sync inside it. Feels like craftsmanship you see in a Senco or Hatachi tool. The Apollo Horticulture lights use 5 watt diodes too. It is not a fair comparison, yet the DG wins.
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If you put a few bright white cfls in a grow you can introduce UV that way also. Ever notice how an uncovered cfl will cause things to fade? That is the UV it produces. I am not sure if it is UVb or what, but it should cause resin production to increase. I am all about potency. That is my one non negotiable for a strain. If it is not at least 15%, no thank you. @912GreenSkell
You should try the DG. They out perform my Apollo Horticulture 400 with IR. That thing makes some heat too. The DG is like a GrowNorthern or something, do not let the low power draw fool you. I think my AP 600 that draws 350 can just barely out do the DG. It runs over three times the watts to do that tho. Ask my friend Robolando how well the DG has done. I got him to add one between two Vipar 600. He told me it was like a blizzard had come through. I have him tilt it back and forth to get all the plants around it hashy.

Sounds pretty friggin sweet!! Really starting to wonder if I should throw down the extra $50 for the DG...especially after you compared it to a Grow Northern! ;)
Thanks for the info Hal
Oh yeah I will definitely be avoiding cfl's..nothing against the lights but they are not what I want to use.
Just looked a little deeper into the ebay "global shipping program"...what a fucking rip off that is. $16 US shipping for the light...$21US for import fees? So we are up to $37US now...worst part is this. That has nothing to do with customs, if the item get stopped in customs, it'll be another 20% on the total cost. Friggin' sucks.

Edit - been doing some more looking at specs on lights..other than the overdriven chips the specs on the Dirt Genius and the LEDlightseller are quite similar.

LEDLightseller(wish they had actual counts...could email them I guess)

Wavelength(9 Bands) 430~440nm, 450~460nm, 610-615nm, 620~630nm, 650~660nm, and white,

IR (730nm) ,380 - 400nm

Dirt Genius;
(2) 410nm Violet UV LED (6) 460nm Bright Blue LED (46) 630nm Bright Red LED (4) 660nm Deep Red LED (2) 850nm Infrared (IR) LED (2) 12,000 Cold White
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@912GreenSkell look up the SUNTech led. My friend got this one, and I am pretty sure it is a rebrand of the DG brand. It looks and functions identical. They even have a copy and pasted description from the DG light. You can get it on Amazon for $120 total.
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That one uses 80 diodes also. So you get some extra power. The old DG use to use 80 diodes two years ago, now they make 62 diodes only. You have to get something to introduce that UV. It will blow your mind when the weed is twice as strong as before.