Please baby girl is sick.

I can’t believe anyone could argue that “calmag” is, itself, a deficiency. As @Waira said, “calmag” is merely a supplement that contains TWO minerals: Cal(cium) and Mag(nesium). When combined into one solution it’s marketed and referred to as “calmag.” This is done for the SOLE reason that in cannabis growing these two minerals are in high demand from the plant and one or the other (or both) are very common deficiencies that show up. But they are distinct and separate minerals, NOT one thing/mineral. There is NO such thing as a “calmag” deficiency. Period. Full stop. You can have a calcium deficiency or a magnesium deficiency or you could have both occurring at the same time (although VERY unlikely. I can understand a new grower misunderstanding this but I can NOT understand an experienced one making this argument. Ridiculous. If you had a molybdenum deficiency and a phosphorous deficiency, would you go shopping for “molyphos?” Would you claim you had a “molyphos” deficiency? Of course not. Since Phosphorus and Potassium (PK) are often packaged and used together are you going to claim “PK” is it’s own thing, separate from potassium and phosphorous? Do you have a “PK deficiency?” Lol! I hope not.
C’mon folks, let’s take a break from the dabber and make a little sense here.

@Waira I feel you frustration, brother.
Dope thx. Didn’t know any of that stuff. I’m gonna try it out.

You were asking about PK boost, I believe? I use teas throughout my organic soil grows and they’re a big key to my success. I really like brewing teas from Boogie Brew - he sells a 2 part mix that you add to worm castings and has a bloom period recipe that works great! Also, the better your worm castings, the better your tea. Not all worm castings are the same. Spend the money to buy the very BEST EWC you can find - you don’t use a lot of them per tea batch, so a couple gallons of premium EWC will go a long way. Finally, I prefer an “airlift” brewer to air stones because it’s easier to clean and is much more efficient at aerating your tea. I built mine from about $8 worth of PVC pipe and fittings, a 5gallon bucket and I bought a good sized used air pump used from a grow store. I can PM you some pix if you want but I got the design from Tim Wilson’s Microbulator that is easy to find on YouTube.

If you don’t keep your brewer clean, you’ll contaminate subsequent brews with anerobic bacteria that can degrade your teas or ruin them. I pull my brewer apart and clean each piece and spray with horticultural peroxide. It’s easy. You can NOT thoroughly clean down inside the pores of an air stone. Besides, they don’t produce the air content and agitation that produces the most active teas
You were asking about PK boost, I believe? I use teas throughout my organic soil grows and they’re a big key to my success. I really like brewing teas from Boogie Brew - he sells a 2 part mix that you add to worm castings and has a bloom period recipe that works great! Also, the better your worm castings, the better your tea. Not all worm castings are the same. Spend the money to buy the very BEST EWC you can find - you don’t use a lot of them per tea batch, so a couple gallons of premium EWC will go a long way. Finally, I prefer an “airlift” brewer to air stones because it’s easier to clean and is much more efficient at aerating your tea. I built mine from about $8 worth of PVC pipe and fittings, a 5gallon bucket and I bought a good sized used air pump used from a grow store. I can PM you some pix if you want but I got the design from Tim Wilson’s Microbulator that is easy to find on YouTube.

If you don’t keep your brewer clean, you’ll contaminate subsequent brews with anerobic bacteria that can degrade your teas or ruin them. I pull my brewer apart and clean each piece and spray with horticultural peroxide. It’s easy. You can NOT thoroughly clean down inside the pores of an air stone. Besides, they don’t produce the air content and agitation that produces the most active teas
Thx for the info. I need to read up on this stuff it seems like a lot
Calcium and Magnesium different minerals and different deficiency looks. I do not know how many times I have tried to explain BALANCE to growers. All of your nutrients need to be in balance all of the time in hydro. Soil is a bit more forgiving but that strongly depends on the quality of the soil to begin with. The thing is with a calcium deficiency (the one you are most likely to have indoors) it is more often an environmental problem than a nutrient problem. If your RH is too high or too low the stomata of the plant close. This means there is no transpiration going on (no water leaving the plant). Without water leaving the plant then the needed calcium has no way to get to the growing tips of the plant. Transpiration is the only way it moves through the plant. So then peeps add more CAL-Mag now you are out of balance and lock-outs begin. So just looking at what appears to be a Calcium nutrient shortage can be a wrong diagnosis. Not to mention other out of balance nutrients that can lock-out calcium.


Super great discussion on the teas. The scientific article shows everybody as correct depending on how you look at it. I was an all grain home brewer for 25 years and judged many competitions. I can tell you any open fermentation will have both fungus and bacteria. I have agar plated hundreds of samples of contest entries to see if I could identify contaminants that ruined ales. Lactobacillus from spit the number 1 bacteria. The winner (largest population) depends on so many variables. Probably a lot more variables then the sited study. These bacteria and wild yeast come right out of the air in your house and they are in your teas along with everything you put in it. Now how do you get the microbes you want. It is called a big pitch in ale brewing. You simply add overwhelming numbers of whatever microbe you want and then it will out-compete most everything else.

@Waira GreenLeaf has a new 2 part Mega Crop. I am using it in my current grow. It still is not perfect and I am using a couple of RAW products to supplement it just a touch. Their nutrient calculator is the bomb you should check it out.

@DTOM420 - For ultimate performance, you'd want a vortex brewer! I'd love to have one someday
I have not brewed for maybe 10 years. This is a picture of part of my 13 gallon all stainless steel brewing system. I really miss making ales but if I had 50 or 60 gallons of good ale sitting around my diabetes would have killed me by now. I donated all of this equipment to the local homebrew club just this year and then Covid hit and I still have it! The club is not meeting and no one came to get it. I am sure that is just until this Covid thing passes a bit. None of those guys will quit drinking :drunks:

Brewing Equipment 002.jpg