Old Reviews Please Help - Beating a dead horse - Lighting


Oct 12, 2011
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ok guys been going back and forth with this and would like some your guys more experienced opinions. I will be completely switching up my setup soon here is what i will run

4 x 8 tent with an 18 site ebb and gro hydro system.

The thing i am having an issue with right now is lighting. Currently i run all Blackstar LED's.

With a new 4 x 8 tent would it be better and more efficient to run 2 Badboy T5 HO 12 bulbs OR two 1000 or 600 watt Quantum HPS with a dimable ballast? Trying to shoot for big yields.

Any and all opinions are appreciated :thumbs:
With a 4'x8' tent I'd throw 2 16 bulb BadBoys in there. It would be a little snug but will work. I was running a 16 bulb in a 4'x4' tent for veg. Every square inch of that tent would be lit. Just my :2cents:
well 2 1000 watt will do the trick in that space:) heat will surely be an issue but w/ proper flow an prob get an ac unit too
height could be an issue depending on size of tent
heck throw the blackstars in between the 1000 for luck;)
if temp issues permit i would always go for an oversized light or adding extra light to existing ones in use
even a combination of dif kinds of lights to ensure even coverage light to all buds
Being a frugal pig I'd run the two 600s. They'd cover that area perfectly and you'd be paying for 1200 instead of 2000 watts. With two 600s you'd still be growing MONSTERS in there! Less heat to battle as well.
More then likely i will use this tent from start to finish.
get an extra led blackstar and a mover.... 95% yields of a non-moving light over 2X the area for same power useage.

My 400 HPS is on a mover... and if i can ever pony up the dough itll be blackstars replacing it.
well if the question was between Three 600 or two 1000 i would go for the three hands down you would have three point sources of light hitting every angle of flowers from miltiple sides"no shading"
but if you are trying to absolutly maximize yield and this the the driving factor not cost of electricity etc.
i would rather have the 200 less watts to have an extra 600 and could adjust lights for a better canopy
all the things listed would give you results and decient ones i am sure but you asked between 2 1000 watt and some other examples

if the sky was the limit right now i would go w/ the three 600 watt but that is extra cost for another light and 600 bulbs are the most expensive to replace watt for watt
don't know all your limits
two 600 and a light mover could be fine but a mover is about the cost of a light and asside electricity hids have paid for themselves for years over w/ the standard for results
again what are limits ??
and how much do you want to spend?
go w/ a thousand watter w/ the right hood reflector and buy some leds and run them together complimenting their strengths
What about banging a thousand on a mover complimented by LED? I'd lay down a buck to see that.
i 100 percent agree a mover is the best way to go you can cover are evenly promoting all side of plant coverage can lower the light to increase intensity w/o burning from stationary and all for a fraction of the electricity cost
the one issue i have and the reason against using a light mover is one day like everything mechanical from pumps to lights it will fail and fail dramatically
burned up third of a whole crop because of failure of mover
this would have paid for more than enough electricity to buy another light and run it for a year
just sayin what is expensive if you have three lights and one has an issue than you still have two to coast on while problem is solved