I planted 4 Barneys farm Pineapple express 22 days agos,i soaked the soil in a 2 gallon pots placed the seed and covered with cling film, they popped up within two days. All seemed well, now they are at day 18 and the tallest one is 3/4 inches and still has its little round nursery leafs. Im growing inside a green house that gets direct sun most of the day(10 hours) they get roughly 16 hours in total. I have used baby bio on them once but where they are so small i dont want to use anything to harsh. Ive looked at so many grow journals and everyone elses seem to be 2 or 3 times the size of mine, they still look like seedlings to me. I will try and post pictures. PLEASE HELP this is my first AF grow and i really wanted it to be sucsessful(tired of waiting till september till my harvest!!) Im south east uk if it helps. thanks...