Photoperiod Photoperiod plants straight with 13-11 hrs light / day?

Jul 26, 2016
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Hello AFN experts!

I have a question for you all: it's related to my present guerrilla grow.
Outdoor Guerrilla: White Widow Max, White LSD, AK47, Sour Diesel
Because of losing a lot of the original auto seeds for this grow,
I put a number of freebie seeds on soak and added them in.
This included 2 Auto-Cheese, but a number of photoperiod strains, too.
3 X Northern Lights (reg)
3 X Great White Shark (fem)

Now this is going to be an outdoor guerrilla grow, and at this latitude
in the next couple of months there will be about 13-->11 hrs light per day.

If after a couple of weeks of getting these photoperiod NL and GWS seedlings going,
I then put them outside to the natural light cycles, how are they going to go?

From my previous photoperiod experience which was under lights (many years ago),
I'm guessing that they'll vege for a few weeks, probably get up to maybe the 5th-9th
set of true leaves (9+ finger / leaf), and then just go onto flowering mode.
They should flower okay, just without the long sunshine hours during vege growth
they just won't be that strong or big.


That's my guess from experience, but would like to hear from others who
maybe have done this before. What's going to happen? What's the best way to grow theseout?

Hugs and kisses,
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They might start entering into flower, I can't remember if it was 13/11 or 11/13 that dj short was saying you'll get some better phototypical expressions in primarily, but not limited to sativas, but I think it would probably do something for indica, either way, you'll suffer a bit in the yield department, but it should still produce for you. Great white shark is a good one. Good luck!
If you are really itching to try them out this season then whip them up as planned extending the veg cycle as long as you can by keeping then outdoors during the day and indoors at night under your t8 flouros.
I have also read that you can essentially halt preflower, by shining a bright light on them in the middle of the dark cycle though I have never tried it myself.(though it was ed Rosenthal that I read it from, and that guys knows his grows)
They might start entering into flower, I can't remember if it was 13/11 or 11/13 that dj short was saying you'll get some better phototypical expressions in primarily, but not limited to sativas, but I think it would probably do something for indica, either way, you'll suffer a bit in the yield department, but it should still produce for you. Great white shark is a good one. Good luck!

Thanks, @Gatorbackbob, for the input!

Since this wasn't the original plan, I'm just stuck with the two photoperiod strains that I have here, the NL and GSW.
If I was going to grow photo plants around here, I'd definitely do sativas,
because the longest days in the middle of summer are still maybe just 14 hrs,
but during the winter it doesn't really drop below 10 hrs, and also the temps are still rarely lower than 10C ( = 64F).
So, I'm sure for the indica NL it'll quickly signal flowering time.
Not so sure about the GWS, and it's not a strain with a huge amount of info about.
The MSNL seed source site says the GSW's a hybrid, but indica dominant.

If you can point me to some good info on growing this outdoors, preferably in a warmer climate, please do!
If you are really itching to try them out this season then whip them up as planned extending the veg cycle as long as you can by keeping then outdoors during the day and indoors at night under your t8 flouros.
I have also read that you can essentially halt preflower, by shining a bright light on them in the middle of the dark cycle though I have never tried it myself.(though it was ed Rosenthal that I read it from, and that guys knows his grows)

Hello @912GreenSkell!

Well, since they're already popped and showing their little green booties, I guess I'm already locked in for this season!!
Good advice, I'll try to extend the longer hours as much as possible (without causing a major security issue, haha!)

Back when I was doing photoperiod indoor grows (before any autos, unless you count Sensi Seeds who had that Ruderalis up for sale),
all the books, magazines and other sources said not to let even a little light in on your mommies (or daddies) during their sleep time.
If you did, so they said, it'd totally mess up their cycles, and ... I dunno, they'd basically freak out, so just don't do it!

I was so careful, never let it happen. But that also means I never found out what would happen if you did!
I have heard of some plants outside near a street light, or something, where part of the plant would flower and the other not.
Don't ask me where I heard this, it was a long, long time ago... maybe in some copy of High Times from the 90s, haha!
Maybe it was from Ed Rosenthal, he used to write a lot at that time, and I read a lot of his stuff. Or maybe Clarke's Marijuana Botany...

But, around here, the light gets bad in Nov to Dec ... not low daylight hours, just really cloudy and rainy.
So, I don't want to halt the vege period.
In the past, from clones of NL and from my own (NL x local sativa bred for indoors),
even with seeds doing 3-4 weeks on vege, the flipping to 12/12, they blossomed up a treat.

So, that's my present thinking. Guess I'll find out for myself in a couple of months!

Hugs and kisses,
DO IT!!!!

This just happens to be something I've done quite a bit. You won't get as much off a plant as a full veg/flower cycle but it will work.

11 hours of light will indeed produce more phenotypical expression so although you have seeds of the same strain, they MAY grow the same, but they probably won't due to slight differences in the genetics contained in the DNA of the plant. It's a good thing though.

To start with they may stretch as they get less light then they fully need to veg with, but once they start flowering, they'll be right.

Any help needed hit me up yeah. @Vlad The Inhaler can vouch for my 12/12 - 11/13 - 13/11 experience [emoji106]

DO IT!!!!

This just happens to be something I've done quite a bit. You won't get as much off a plant as a full veg/flower cycle but it will work.

11 hours of light will indeed produce more phenotypical expression so although you have seeds of the same strain, they MAY grow the same, but they probably won't due to slight differences in the genetics contained in the DNA of the plant. It's a good thing though.

To start with they may stretch as they get less light then they fully need to veg with, but once they start flowering, they'll be right.

Any help needed hit me up yeah. @Vlad The Inhaler can vouch for my 12/12 - 11/13 - 13/11 experience [emoji106]


Thanks @justDave!

Any yield works for me, big yields later..........
There is already one of the Northern Lights which is interesting, the first set of true leaves really drop down with a curl.
It shouldn't be anything to do with soil or nutrients, so maybe just some phenotype thing.
A bit of variation is interesting.

Yeah man, Dave do dat. [emoji1420]

Thanks @Vlad The Inhaler! May hit you up for info at some later point if need be.

Okay everyone, here's my next question / thought for the day:

Usually for photoperiod growing, when talking about indoors, books and websites and seed bank information says something like this:

"Once the daylight hours hit 12 hrs / day the plant goes into flowering mode..." blah blah blah.

Okay, that's fine if it's indoor growing, because who gradually turns back the timer from 16/8 to 15/9 to 14/10 to 13/11 to 12/12? Maybe some people do, but it would be pretty uncommon I'd say.
But I'm wondering how many daylight hours actually trigger the flowering.

But I was thinking from some info from sites like -->
Let's go to their outdoor plants <>, and check their strain statistics on flowering and yield <>.
And we can use something like the Daylight Hours Explorer <>.

Randomly pick a plant, let's say something that is neither too fast nor too slow... how about their

Super Lemon Haze, at 10 weeks indoors / end of first week of October (7th) outdoors.
Track back 10 weeks from October 7th, we get to July 24th.
At latitude of 45 North starts flowering at daylight hours of 14.8 hr/day.
Day of harvest is 11.2 hr/day.​

Or, something more long and sativa-like:

Neville's Haze, at 14 weeks indoors / Nov 7th outdoors.
14 weeks from Nov 7th is also (!) July 24th.
So, again 14.8 hr/day of sunlight to trigger flowering.
Day of harvest is 9.7 hr/day.​

How about a short flowering indica classic, maybe..

Himalaya Gold, at 8 weeks indoors / Sept 24th outdoors.
8 weeks back from Sept 24th is also July 24th.
Still 14.8 hr/day to trigger flowering.
Harvest day is 11.9 hr/day.​

(Maybe someone can check a few others from their site info... like a Kush or some White strains...)

So, the start of flowering seems irrespective of the sativa or indica dominance in the strain.
If we used Netherlands location, then not actually 45 North, but 52 North, where July 24th would be 15.7 hrs/day!
At that rate, anything lower than a 16/8 on/off split would almost immediately induce flowering.
So they really don't start flowering at 12 hr/day, but well, well before that.
And... harvest for indica or hybrid maybe needs at least 11 hr/day, but for long sativa even below 10 hr/day is poss.

Interesting. Very interesting.

Because where I'm at, about 25N latitude, the longest day is 13.6 hr/day, and the shortest is still 10.4 hr/day.
If the Green House Seeds info is reliable, and I don't see why it wouldn't be, I should be able to grow all year, and plants will almost immediately flip into flowering.
But since they'll almost immediately flower, doing short indica type strains would only give 8+ weeks growth (almost a fast auto!), whereas hybrids and sativas could still do 10, 12, 14+ weeks.
So, the hybrids and sativas would still give a plant that isn't a midget / dwarf lollipop with a 10g bud on the end.

Though, my present grow of autos, some photo fem and some photo reg, will be an interesting test.
But the first couple of weeks even for the photos means more light hours than the natural sun provides.

Okay, enough of a rant from me this morning. Any thoughts?